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Registration options

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Solved Registration options

Post by Guest September 1st 2013, 9:29 pm

(I don't know where to post this and I think this is the place)
Hello everyone, I made a forum about Minecraft servers and I want to set up the way people register (like add registration form options with maximum and minimum chars for name and password and make it so people can't use symbols like @, #, $ etc.
If some one can help me find the option, please? :-/

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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by TheEilag September 7th 2013, 11:21 am

Hi. Please give a link to your forum.

With greeting:
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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by Guest September 7th 2013, 12:52 pm

DyO1 wrote:(I don't know where to post this and I think this is the place)
Hello everyone, I made a forum about Minecraft servers and I want to set up the way people register (like add registration form options with maximum and minimum chars for name and password and make it so people can't use symbols like @, #, $ etc.
If some one can help me find the option, please? :-/
Well there is the option to ban usernames. So if you don't want someone to register with @ or # in their username, put it in the banned username list.Then they won't be able to register with those symbols. You can also set up registration options where new registrations have to be activated by the admin,or by the member or automatic activation. Where the member does not have to verify his or her email address.

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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by Guest September 7th 2013, 1:15 pm

Andrea Borman wrote:Well there is the option to ban usernames. So if you don't want someone to register with @ or # in their username, put it in the banned username list.Then they won't be able to register with those symbols. You can also set up registration options where new registrations have to be activated by the admin,or by the member or automatic activation. Where the member does not have to verify his or her email address.
How do I stop the activation?

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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by Nera. September 7th 2013, 3:54 pm

AP > Users & Groups > Users options > New account activation > No activation

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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by SLGray September 7th 2013, 8:14 pm

Is this solved?

Registration options Slgray10

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Solved Re: Registration Options

Post by Guest September 7th 2013, 8:28 pm

SLGray wrote:Is this solved?
I think so... :-/

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Solved Re: Registration options

Post by SLGray September 7th 2013, 8:30 pm

Topic Solved & Locked

Registration options Slgray10

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