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Domain name Renewal

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Solved Domain name Renewal

Post by DesignersSociety December 23rd 2013, 11:39 am

So I bought a domain name for a year and it expires in April. I know it is a few months out but I have a lot of members going to the site and just want to make sure they will have the same address. When I tried to renew it for longer it says there isn't currently an option to renew the one that I bought. Does this mean I have to wait does this option become available closer to the date it expires or do I have to wait till after it expires? What can I expect since I'd like to continue the current one I bought into the future. Thanks!

Female Posts : 146
Reputation : 3
Language : english

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Solved Re: Domain name Renewal

Post by Derri December 23rd 2013, 3:34 pm

One month or so before your domain name expires you'll get an option to renew it.

Male Posts : 8711
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Solved Re: Domain name Renewal

Post by DesignersSociety December 23rd 2013, 10:10 pm

Okay thanks so much I was just wondering because I bought enough credits for it in advanced and want to renew it. Thank you Smile

Female Posts : 146
Reputation : 3
Language : english

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Solved Re: Domain name Renewal

Post by SLGray December 24th 2013, 2:28 am

Topic Solved & Locked

Domain name Renewal Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51514
Reputation : 3523
Language : English
Location : United States

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