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Changing Domain Name - Help

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Solved Changing Domain Name - Help

Post by elhion January 29th 2014, 6:38 pm

Can you please let me know the procedure to buy a new domain name for my forum and use it? I allready have a personalized name that I no longer want to use. 

Can I in the mean time (say for one month) to have both addresses (the new personalized name and the old one) have them both redirect to my forum?

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Solved Re: Changing Domain Name - Help

Post by SLGray January 29th 2014, 6:41 pm

You can not have two domain names for one forum.

You should be able to delete the domain name you have now.

Administration Panel > Misc. > Credits Management > Spend Credits > Domain Name

Changing Domain Name - Help Slgray10

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