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Quick quote

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Tutorial Quick quote

Post by Ange Tuteur August 11th 2014, 5:21 pm

Quick quote

This tutorial will allow you to perform a quick quote of a word or phrase that you have highlighted previously, by adding a new button or using the current quote button.
Quick quote Captur75

Result :
Quick quote Captur76


To install this we must go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script.

Title : Your choice
Placement : In all the pages
  var forum_version = 1,
  new_button = false,
  quote_image = '';

  if (forum_version == 0) n = [".postbody div",".name strong a"];
  if (forum_version == 1) n = [".postbody .content div",".postprofile dl dt strong a"];
  if (forum_version == 2) n = [".entry-content div",".username a"];
  if (forum_version == 3) n = [".post-entry div",".postprofile-details dt a + br + a"];
  if (new_button == true) { q = ".quickquote"; $(forum_version==1?"li:has(.i_icon_quote)":"a:has(.i_icon_quote)").after($('<li style="display:inline-block;list-style:none;"><a href="#quick_reply"><img src="'+quote_image+'" class="quickquote" alt="Quick quote" title="Quick quote" /></a></li>')) }
  if (new_button == false) { q = "a:has(.i_icon_quote)"; $("a:has(.i_icon_quote)").attr("href", "#quick_reply"); $(".i_icon_quote").attr("title", "Reply with quote") }
    qtext = $(this).parents(".post");
    if (window.getSelection) theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
    else if (document.getSelection) theSelection = document.getSelection();
    else if (document.selection) theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
  $(q).click(function () {
    if (typeof qtext == 'undefined') return;
    uname = qtext.find(n[1]).text();
    $("div.sceditor-toolbar + iframe").contents().find("body").append('<blockquote><cite>' + uname + '</cite>' + theSelection + '</blockquote> <br />');
    $('.sceditor-container textarea')[0].value += '[quote="' + uname + '"]' + theSelection + '[/quote]'
  var n,q;

Below are some variables you can modify in the script.

To ensure that this tutorial works for you, you must change the value of forum_version to the version of your forum :
0 = phpbb2
1 = phpbb3
2 = punbb
3 = invision

To keep the regular quote button and add a new button for the quick quote you must change the value of new_button :
true = create a new button
false = use the current quote button

Result :
Quick quote Captur78

To change the quick quote image, simply replace by the URL of your image. The current image can be found at the top of the script in the quote_image variable.

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3000
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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Tutorial Re: Quick quote

Post by skouliki February 13th 2020, 8:31 am

This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

updated 13.02.2020 by skouliki

Female Posts : 15247
Reputation : 1703
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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