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Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple)

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Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple) Empty Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple)

Post by Charisma Clash April 28th 2015, 7:33 am


Last edited by Charisma Clash on October 29th 2015, 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Charisma Clash
Charisma Clash

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Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple) Empty Re: Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple)

Post by Charisma Clash May 2nd 2015, 6:25 am

Here is another video you could use to support me. Give it a watch, and leave a comment with the hashtag #ToughEnough on it or on Twitter with my vid.

Thank you.
Charisma Clash
Charisma Clash

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Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple) Empty Re: Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple)

Post by SLGray May 2nd 2015, 7:02 am

Do you have a topic in the promotion section?  This really should be in that section.

Help get a Forumotion user on WWE's Tough Enough Reality Show! (It's simple) Slgray10

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