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Chat box fails to refresh

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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Chat box fails to refresh

Post by chief popeye July 31st 2015, 9:06 pm

Technical Details

Forum version : #PunBB
Position : Administrator
Concerned browser(s) : Internet Explorer
Who the problem concerns : All members
When the problem appeared : A few months ago, I had found a thread about it that I was reading while expecting a fix. but I cant find the thread anymore.
Forum link :

Description of problem

I'm using IE10 and the chat box wont auto refresh. I have to either click archives or refresh the entire page to see what others have said in the chat box.

I know nothing about coding so haven't changed anything in it. There used to be a "refresh" chat box to click so it auto refreshed.

Please tell me how to fix this, its so annoying.
chief popeye
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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by brandon_g July 31st 2015, 9:12 pm


Let me see if I understand correctly, when using/viewing the chatbox, if another user says something in the chat, it won't appear on its own unless one hits archive or refreshs the page?


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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by chief popeye July 31st 2015, 9:14 pm

Hi and thank you, you understand it correctly. I don't see what was said by another member unless I click archives or refresh my entire screen.
chief popeye
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Male Posts : 4
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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by YoshiGM July 31st 2015, 9:20 pm

Have you added any code recently ? (Javascript,CSS..)

In my chatbox i can see al messages correctly hehe
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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by chief popeye July 31st 2015, 9:23 pm

I've not added anything, it used to work fine then the "auto refresh" box was removed. I'm thinking its something to do with IE10, as I use Google Chrome on my phone and it refreshes each time someone chats.
chief popeye
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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by Ape August 1st 2015, 12:55 am

I think your find that IE 10 no longer supports out chatbox and the Auto Refresh was removed when the new chatbox system was put inplace as the chat box no longer needs the Auto refresh as its built in to the servers and data system.

Chat box fails to refresh 64x64_10Best thing to do is to update IE to 11 and make sure your Flash player and java is uptodate.


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Chat box fails to refresh Ape1010

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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by chief popeye August 3rd 2015, 2:57 pm

That's what I was afraid of, as I'm operating on a network server that doesn't allow me to upgrade my browser.

Maybe changing the browser mode to IE 7, 8 or 9 will allow it to refresh.

chief popeye
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Chat box fails to refresh Empty Re: Chat box fails to refresh

Post by Ape August 3rd 2015, 3:52 pm

can you update your Flash player and your java ?

If yes try that and see if you still have the problem or use some other browser

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Chat box fails to refresh Ape_b110
Chat box fails to refresh Ape1010

Male Posts : 19428
Reputation : 2010
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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