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Google search

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Google search Empty Google search

Post by Quest77 31/7/2015, 16:49

Yesterday I changed my address foruma.Danas with new address, can not be found by search Google?
Why is this so?
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Google search Empty Re: Google search

Post by brandon_g 31/7/2015, 17:03


Was it .com .org , .net , etc?

Also, please note it can take a couple days for any changes or updates you made to appear on search engines. Right now it probably still appears only as your old address.

Wait a few days, see if it updates. Then let us know of the results.


Google search Brando10
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Google search Empty Re: Google search

Post by Quest77 31/7/2015, 17:08

com ...
Thank you I'll wait a few days
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Google search Empty Re: Google search

Post by brandon_g 31/7/2015, 17:26

Your welcome, anytime. Wink

Let us know of the results.


Google search Brando10
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Google search Empty Re: Google search

Post by Ape 31/7/2015, 17:44

if you change your address you will have to also update your google account to the new address and the meta tags on your forum to match as this will no longer be working.

also Google can take up to 5 days to find your site and list it in google and i have seen this to take even longer.

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