This tutorial will help you add the chatbox to the toolbar on your Forumotion forum. So you can chat with your members from any page.
It includes some extra features from the default chatbox, such as sound and toolbar notifications so you know when a new message is posted while logged into the chat. As well as a small counter on the button to display the total members in the chatbox.
Note : You must have the chatbox activated as well as the toolbar.
To enable the chatbox : Administration Panel > Modules > Chatbox > Config > Activate the ChatBox : Yes
To enable the toolbar : Administration Panel > Modules > Toolbar > Config > Activate the toolbar : Yes
1. Installing the CSS Firstly you need to install a bit of CSS. Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet and paste the following codes :
- Code:
#fa_chat_container { background:#FFF; border:1px solid #556682; border-radius:3px; position:fixed; right:3px; z-index:999; overflow:hidden; min-width:500px; min-height:250px; transition:300ms; }
#fa_chat { border:none; width:100%; height:100%; }
#fa_chat_button { color:#FFF; line-height:30px; margin-left:10px; padding:0 5px; cursor:pointer; }
#fa_chat_button.fa_chat_active { color:#333; background:#FFF; }
You can change the style how you see fit.
2. Installing the JavaScript Now to add the chatbox to the toolbar you need to create a new script. Go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.
Title : FA Toolbar Chat Placement : In all the pages
- Code:
(function() { if (!window.FA) window.FA = {}; if (FA.Chat) { if (window.console) console.warn('FA.Chat has already been initialized'); return; }
FA.Chat = {
// chatbox settings config : { height : '60%', width : '70%', live_notif : true, sound_notif : { enabled : true, file : '' }, notifRate : 10000 },
// language settings lang : { chatbox : 'Chatbox', new_msg : 'A new message has been posted in the <a href="javascript:FA.Chat.toggle();">chatbox</a>.' },
// technical data below node : {}, // node cache users : 0, // users in chat messages : 'initial', // total chat messages actif : false, // tells us if the chatbox is opened notifActif : false, // tells us if the notifications are active
// initial setup of the chatbox init : function() { var right = document.getElementById('fa_right'), container = document.createElement('DIV'), button = document.createElement('A'), audio; = 'fa_chat_button'; button.innerHTML = FA.Chat.lang.chatbox + ' <span id="fa_chatters">(0)</span>'; button.onclick = FA.Chat.toggle; FA.Chat.node.button = button; = 'fa_chat_container'; container.innerHTML = '<iframe id="fa_chat" src="/chatbox/"></iframe>'; = FA.Chat.config.width; = FA.Chat.config.height; = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height; = 'hidden';
if (right) { right.insertBefore(button, right.lastChild); // add the chat button to the right side of the toolbar document.body.appendChild(container); // create the notification audio element if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled) { audio = document.createElement('AUDIO'); audio.src = FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.file; if (audio.canPlayType) { = audio; document.body.appendChild(audio); } }
FA.Chat.node.container = document.getElementById('fa_chat_container'); FA.Chat.node.chatters = document.getElementById('fa_chatters'); FA.Chat.node.frame = document.getElementById('fa_chat'); FA.Chat.node.frame.onload = FA.Chat.getFrame; } delete FA.Chat.init; },
// get the frame window, document, and elements getFrame : function() { if (FA.Chat.poll) window.clearInterval(FA.Chat.poll); if (this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow) { FA.Chat.window = this.contentWindow; FA.Chat.document = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : FA.Chat.window.document; FA.Chat.node.message = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('message'); FA.Chat.node.members = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('chatbox_members'); FA.Chat.poll = window.setInterval(FA.Chat.listen, 300); // listen for changes every 0.3 seconds } }, // listen for changes in the chatbox listen : function() { var users = FA.Chat.node.members.getElementsByTagName('LI').length, messages = FA.Chat.window.chatbox.messages.length; // update user count if (users > FA.Chat.users || users < FA.Chat.users) { FA.Chat.users = users; FA.Chat.node.chatters.innerHTML = '(' + FA.Chat.users + ')'; } // initial / active updates if ((FA.Chat.messages == 'initial' && messages) || FA.Chat.notifActif || FA.Chat.actif) FA.Chat.messages = messages; // notify new messages while connected and the chatbox is closed if (!FA.Chat.actif && !FA.Chat.notifActif && FA.Chat.window.chatbox.connected && (messages > FA.Chat.messages || messages < FA.Chat.messages)) { FA.Chat.messages = messages; // update message count FA.Chat.notifActif = true; if (FA.Chat.config.live_notif) FA.Chat.notify(FA.Chat.lang.new_msg); // show live notification if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled &&; // play sound notification // wait before notifying the user again window.setTimeout(function() { FA.Chat.notifActif = false; }, FA.Chat.config.notifRate); } }, // create a custom notification notify : function(msg) { var notif = document.createElement('DIV'), live = document.getElementById(Toolbar.LIVE_NOTIF); notif.className = 'fa_notification'; notif.innerHTML = '<div class="content ellipsis">' + msg + '</div>'; = 'none'; $(notif).mouseover(function() { $(this).stop(true, true) }); $(notif).mouseleave(function() { $(this).delay(5000).fadeOut() }); live.insertBefore(notif, live.firstChild); $(notif.firstChild).dotdotdot(); $(notif).fadeIn(100, function() { $(this).delay(10000).fadeOut() }); }, // toggle the display state of the chatbox toggle : function() { var container =; if (/hidden/i.test(container.visibility)) { FA.Chat.node.button.className = 'fa_chat_active'; FA.Chat.actif = true; container.visibility = 'visible'; container.bottom = '3px'; // auto focus the message field window.setTimeout(function() { FA.Chat.node.message.focus(); }, 350); // some browsers ( firefox ) need a delay } else { FA.Chat.node.button.className = ''; FA.Chat.actif = false; container.visibility = 'hidden'; container.bottom = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height; } }
$(function(){ // initialize the chat when the document is ready and the user is logged in if (_userdata.session_logged_in) $(FA.Chat.init); }); })();
Save the script to finish the installation. If you want to make any modifications to the chatbox, please see the next section.
3. Modifications Near the top of the script is an object named config, this contains the general settings which are listed bellow.
height : Sets the height of the chatbox. You can use pixels, percent, em, etc.. The default is 60%.
width : Sets the width of the chatbox. Again, you can use pixels, percent, em, etc.. The default is 70%.
live_notif : Enables / Disables the live notification popup when a new message is posted. Default value is true ( enabled ), set it to false to disable the live notifications. The notifications only display while you're logged into the chatbox and you have the chat hidden.
sound_notif : This contains two settings for the sound notification :
enabled : Specifies if the sound notification is enabled. Default value is true ( enabled ), set it to false to disable the sound notifications.
file : This allows you to change the notification sound. If you want to change the sound, all you need to do is replace the current URL with your own MP3 audio file. |
notifRate : This setting determines the rate at which notifications are triggered again. Placing this to a lower value will cause notifications to appear more frequently when new messages are submitted. The default value is 10000ms ( 10 seconds ).
Additionally there is another configuration object for language data named lang. This object is under the config, so if you want to change any of the texts you can do that here. There are only two language settings :
chatbox : The texts for the chatbox button on the toolbar.
new_msg : The live notification texts for when a new message is posted.
Summary Once the chatbox is installed and you've finished making modifications.. all that's left is to click the chatbox button on the toolbar to begin chatting with your members !