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The size of the border to the left of the main pages

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Solved The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by zathrus December 28th 2015, 3:57 pm


As the "admin" for forum I cannot find how to make the main entry pages broader and the left border narrower.

I feel that there is a lot of wasted space in the left-hand border of the main pages which makes less room for text etc' in the main written area.

How do I shift the border line over to the left a bit ?

If it needs CSS code, can this be supplied ?

Hope this is clear.

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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by SLGray December 28th 2015, 9:02 pm

Are you referring to posts in topics?  Please post a screenshot of the area you want to change,

The size of the border to the left of the main pages Slgray10

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Solved Cannot do a screenshot - no image-software.

Post by zathrus December 29th 2015, 12:59 pm

Please just go to my website here:

Then choose a subforum.

Then open a topic, and it is in these pages that I want to move the left hand border over a bit.


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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by SLGray December 30th 2015, 3:02 am

I do not see a border on the left side.  Please post a screenshot with what you want to move.

Are you referring to the profile in a message?

The size of the border to the left of the main pages Slgray10

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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by zathrus December 30th 2015, 12:48 pm

I am not able to send a screenshot !

If you please, just go to my website here:

Then choose a sub-forum from the five choices.

Then open any topic in that sub-forum, and it is in these pages that I want to move the left hand border divider over a bit.

If you do these things, which should be easy, and is available to non-members, you should be able to find a page where there is a section to the right that is for written replies and images etc' and this is divided by a vertical line from the section of the page that holds the avatars, and other information, etc'. ( This should be a fairly narrow section but it presently takes up more than a third of the whole page-width ).

All I want to do is to give the written section more width and the avatar, info' etc' section less width.

Please remember that I am quite a newbie at this and try to use as little tech-jargon as possible.

I have tried this request a number of times on Forum of the Forums and have yet to get a simple but definitive answer. ( as admin' I do have access to the administration pages and the ability to enter or change CSS code if required ).


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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by 10spetter10 December 30th 2015, 3:51 pm

I tought this was an option you could edit in the admin panel, but I can not find it so then it needs to be done with css.

You can find the css under display > images and colors > colors > cascading style sheet

You can change the '10em' to another value to make it as width as you want.


.post-container {
  margin-left: 10em;
.postprofile {
  margin-left: -10em;
  width: 10em;

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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by zathrus December 31st 2015, 1:13 pm

Thanks for that. It worked wonderfully well.

I do think that 10em might be a bit narrow for the left hand column though.

Now that I know the code I could change the "10em" value to more or less.

Now I can click on the "solved" button.

Many best regards

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Solved Re: The size of the border to the left of the main pages

Post by brandon_g December 31st 2015, 3:29 pm

Topic solved and archived ~ brandon_g

The size of the border to the left of the main pages Brando10
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