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I want to change the "Group Moderator" to Group Leader. Is it possible?

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Solved I want to change the "Group Moderator" to Group Leader. Is it possible?

Post by Kratos December 31st 2015, 5:43 am

First topic message reminder :

Title says it all. Is there a way to change it to 'Group Leader' instead of 'Group Moderator'?

Last edited by Kratos on December 31st 2015, 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 328
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Language : English
Location : United States

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Solved Re: I want to change the "Group Moderator" to Group Leader. Is it possible?

Post by Kratos December 31st 2015, 9:17 am

Well, that was a challenge. Thanks Draxion and SLGray.

Male Posts : 328
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Language : English
Location : United States

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Solved Re: I want to change the "Group Moderator" to Group Leader. Is it possible?

Post by SLGray December 31st 2015, 9:20 am

You're welcome.

Mobile devices are not the best to use to modify your forum.

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I want to change the "Group Moderator" to Group Leader. Is it possible? - Page 2 Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51551
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Language : English
Location : United States

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