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Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website?

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Solved Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website?

Post by Abbie T. March 3rd 2016, 10:31 pm

Hi everyone! Hello

I hope you guys are having a great Thursday so far!

I have a Weebly site, and I was wondering is it possible to embed my forummotion forum into a weebly page? I would appreciate the help a bunch! Grin

- Hopefully I did this right, this is my first post.

Last edited by Abbie T. on March 3rd 2016, 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Abbie T.
Abbie T.
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Solved Re: Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website?

Post by Ape March 3rd 2016, 10:40 pm

Hello. No sorry you can not add your forum in your website but you can add a link to your forum in a nav link but it will not make your forum and site one. Your members will still have to be moved to our forum's page and log in.

Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Left1212Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Center11Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Right112
Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Ape_b110
Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Ape1010

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Solved Re: Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website?

Post by SLGray March 4th 2016, 1:32 am

Topic solved and archived

Can you embed a forummotion forum on your website? Slgray10

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