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What does the widget " keywords " do ?

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In progress What does the widget " keywords " do ?

Post by azwiz Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:36 am

When I click on 99% of the numbers that are keywords in this widget i get this


No topics or posts met your search criteria " .

In AP panel I do not see a way to edit new keywords into it . How does it add keywords that are pertinent to the subjects and topics in my forum ?

SLGray wrote:They are added when you do a search on your forum.  You can edit the widget by pressing the yellow cog on the widget.

AP > Modules > Portal/Widgets

I don't think that this is just a language barrier . And even though I am colorblind . There is no yellow or any color on my widget on the main page or in AP .

What does the widget " keywords " do ? Widget11

What does the widget " keywords " do ? Widget12

Last edited by azwiz on Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:10 am; edited 2 times in total

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In progress Re: What does the widget " keywords " do ?

Post by SLGray Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:09 am

They are added when you do a search on your forum.  You can edit the widget by pressing the yellow cog on the widget.

AP > Modules > Portal/Widgets

What does the widget " keywords " do ? Slgray10

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