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How can i edit the register form?

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In progress How can i edit the register form?

Post by lvmhoang28 April 2nd 2016, 11:12 am

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Hi Guys,
How i can edit the register form of my forum?
Thank you so much
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In progress Re: How can i edit the register form?

Post by brandon_g April 2nd 2016, 3:30 pm


This is all depends on what you mean by 'edit the registation form', do you mean you want to add more fields to it? Or do you mean edit in some other way? May you please explain/elobarate what you mean further?

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How can i edit the register form? Brando10
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In progress Re: How can i edit the register form?

Post by Take Notes April 2nd 2016, 3:45 pm

Administration Panel > Users & Groups > Users (Profiles)

Click the yellow gear to modify a field, if you check the box that says "necessary filled", it will be added to the register form, if you uncheck the field it will not show.

If that is not the problem you are facing please be more specific.
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In progress Re: How can i edit the register form?

Post by SLGray April 3rd 2016, 12:22 am

If you want to add to the page that you have to agree to, go here:  Administration Panel > General > FAQ/Rules > Add Rules.

How can i edit the register form? Slgray10

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