Unable to change color of text in CSS3
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Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Unable to change color of blue text that says "jrgreen145" from #000099 to #ad36ef as shown below
This is the name of the admin account which is currently logged in in the photo, not sure if that makes any difference.
In the CSS, changing any "gen" fields simply changes the date/time above the afflicted text areas.
Any insight is appreciated.
This is the name of the admin account which is currently logged in in the photo, not sure if that makes any difference.
In the CSS, changing any "gen" fields simply changes the date/time above the afflicted text areas.
Any insight is appreciated.
- Code:
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color: #ffff00;
/* Edit did */
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color: #ffff00;
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Can you change it in the Colors Tab?
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Perhaps I'm just not very good at this but the only "colors" option I see is to open the CSS, so I'm going to have to say no, unless there's another colors tab somewhere I'm not able to see
Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
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You need one post to send a PM.
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Lost Founder's Password |Forum's Utilities |Report a Forum |General Rules |FAQ |Tricks & Tips
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You need one post to send a PM.
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
They are the same as you have. I ensured I am on phpBB3 already.
Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
I generally keep the basic css turned off because it screws up everything else I have formatted within my CSS.
Even with it turned on and forced, I cannot change that specific text color.
Even with it turned on and forced, I cannot change that specific text color.
Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Please post your forum's link.
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You need one post to send a PM.
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
It is blue because you are in a group that is colorized.
Lost Founder's Password |Forum's Utilities |Report a Forum |General Rules |FAQ |Tricks & Tips
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You need one post to send a PM.
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Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Wow I feel dumb. Okay, got it. Thanks ten billion. Issue resolved (:
Re: Unable to change color of text in CSS3
Lost Founder's Password |Forum's Utilities |Report a Forum |General Rules |FAQ |Tricks & Tips
You need one post to send a PM.
You need one post to send a PM.
When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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