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Photobucket update

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Photobucket update Empty Photobucket update

Post by Shadow July 10th 2017, 3:40 pm

PhotoBucket changed its terms of use

Photobucket update Photob10

Dear users,

We inform you that the hosting images service PhotoBucket, which is one of the biggest hosting service on the internet and used by a lot of Forumotion users, changed its terms of use and you have now to pay to use it.

Since the beginning of July 2017, Photobucket added fees to display the images it hosts on third-party hosting. Indeed, this service allows only the users that have a premium account on their service to see the pictures hosted there. A premium account is around 400$ / year ! affraid

Consequence : more than 100 millions of internet users discovered a notification that asked them to buy a premium account to be able to use the images hosted on Photobucket or just to see them on their own website.

Indeed, the images hosted on Photobucket are only displayed for the premium account and are not shown on external websites they are on, replaced by an image that invites the users to suscribe to a premium account.

See exemple:

To avoid any problem on Forumotion themes and forums, we are going to replace all the PhotoBucket images that are on Forumotion by an empty image.

We'll do it on the Wednesday 12 of July 2017. As a consequence, we invite all the administrators that have PhotoBucket images on their forum to change their host by hosting those images on another host, such as Servimg which stays free.

Thank you for your understanding,

Best Reguards,
The Forumotion staff king

Last edited by Shadow on July 10th 2017, 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by brandon_g July 10th 2017, 4:31 pm

Wow that is a big change, that is kinda greedy of them. Well I always use serving primarily to host the images for my site, but I used photobucket to back them up just in case. Guess its time to use flickr as the back up then Razz.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Eyeball July 10th 2017, 5:40 pm

That is highly unfortunate, I have a circle of friends administrating their forums who have consistently used the services that Photobucket has supplied. I am unsure of those willing to pay premium price for third-party hosting, let us hope this doesn't come back to haunt them.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by YoshiGM July 10th 2017, 7:05 pm

So, that is the reason for losing a lot of pictures that are uploaded in Photobucket.
Thanks for the information.

I use Servimg to host all my images, but with this topic i now i can't use that image host anymore.
Have a nice Week
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Richardr July 11th 2017, 1:34 am

Does this affect images in posts, or only forum images such as the main picture, background image, avatars and icons, etc,?

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Draxion July 11th 2017, 2:44 am

It affects all images hosted by Photobucket.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by SarkZKalie July 11th 2017, 3:43 am

Imgur and Servimg are now my primary image hostings, not Photo*ucket anymore :v even Google Photos will give you 15GB storage for free (unlimited if low quality).

Photobucket update Sarkzk10
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Malum July 11th 2017, 6:50 am

I used to use Photobucket years ago so it's crazy to think you have to pay for it to just use it. I've always used Imgur and I love it.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guest July 11th 2017, 10:39 am

400$ is a lot just for hosting a few images. Good thing that i've got my own server for my photos Smile

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guest July 12th 2017, 6:42 am

I contacted Imgur..and they assure me that we can use it as a 3rd party hosting site..and it's I am using Imgur and

How do you go about making your own 3rd party hosting I need to make a new topic on this

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Shadow July 12th 2017, 4:36 pm


In order to satisfy a maximum of our users we'll give to the administrators the choice of letting the Photobucket pictures on their forum or not. We're currently developping a new solution.

If this last one is satisfying, we'll put it on your forum at the beginning of next week, and this could give to the administrator the possibility to keep the Photobucket pictures on their forum (some people might have a premium account...).

Because of it, the replacement of the Photobucket pictures announced before is reported until this new option is ready.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great day :rose:

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guest July 12th 2017, 5:06 pm

Shadow wrote:Hello,

In order to satisfy a maximum of our users we'll give to the administrators the choice of letting the Photobucket pictures on their forum or not. We're currently developping a new solution.

If this last one is satisfying, we'll put it on your forum at the beginning of next week, and this could give to the administrator the possibility to keep the Photobucket pictures on their forum (some people might have a premium account...).

Because of it, the replacement of the Photobucket pictures announced before is reported until this new option is ready.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great day :rose:
Nice, this way everyone can choose what's better for their forum. Smile

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Draxion July 12th 2017, 7:23 pm

Sounds great, @Shadow. Thank you!

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guardian-Angel July 13th 2017, 3:08 pm

I am confused. I have not used photobucket in years. I deleted the photobucket account when I saw this notice appear under my avatar this morning. I changed my avatar because someone on this forum originally helped me make the avatar into a circle. I thought perhaps that's why, but it made no difference. What do I need to do?

Photobucket update Captur11

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by TonnyKamper July 13th 2017, 3:23 pm

Guardian-Angel wrote:I am confused. I have not used photobucket in years. I deleted the photobucket account when I saw this notice appear under my avatar this morning. I changed my avatar because someone on this forum originally helped me make the avatar into a circle. I thought perhaps that's why, but it made no difference. What do I need to do?

Photobucket update Captur11

It looks to me that it's your Rank picture that needs to be updated @Guardian-Angel
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guardian-Angel July 13th 2017, 3:26 pm

I haven't played with that since I became admin. Can you tell me how to get there in the AC panel? TY

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by TonnyKamper July 13th 2017, 3:30 pm

Guardian-Angel wrote:I haven't played with that since I became admin. Can you tell me how to get there in the AC panel? TY

Go to ACP/Users&Groups/Ranks

Search for your rank and put another picture url there, not one from Photobucket, host your rank pic's on servimg through your account, then use those url's Smile
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guardian-Angel July 13th 2017, 3:33 pm

@TonnyKamper Thank you so much for the quick answer. I found it and changed it to the basic stars and it worked. I'll look around for another Rank picture.


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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by brandon_g July 13th 2017, 3:52 pm


From now on everyone please create a new topic if you need support on this. This topic is just an informational topic and not intended to give support on the issue.

Thanks in advance.

-Brandon and the Forumotion team

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Photobucket update Empty Solution to the photo bucket issue.

Post by VoIP July 16th 2017, 3:26 am

Hi all,

I on occasion like to read the notfication, but when I start seeing things such as a "Third Party" option. Relating to this topic here. I question why isn't forumotion just providing the image support for it? I dislike using this against forumotion, but even PHPBB (the forum software that forumotion uses) has that functionality.

If everyone was using a 100px by 100px avatar for there pictures then we would be looking at 7kb of data usage (assuming the user saved it as a jpeg) Instead of reaching out to a third party website that can have different impacts on the user. These could include the following:
  1. The user now has to review the new Terms of Serivce(TOS) of that provider. Also with a TOS, some providers (like imgur.) whom state: "don't use Imgur to host image libraries you link to from elsewhere, content for your website, advertising, avatars, or anything else that turns us into your content delivery network.
  2. If the webhost such as servimg has the right to preform maintance, and this can lead to images not loading up (Users who already have seen the webpage will have it cached, yes but if maintance takes 5 hours some forums here probably get 100s or even 1,000 or so guests that will review the page, which can lead to unproffesionalism for the page.
  3. Latency/Slowness of image loading. This one is pretty self explanitory. Now the user has to reach out grab yet another webpage which can lead to maybe a extra second or two on the webpage (Not a HUGE issue) but every second that loads makes the user wait.
  4. Lastly because forumotion already has a database for each forum stationed already and is already providing your views(content), I feel that forumotion should be doing this for its users.

Again: avatars, banner, and icons they are not huge files.

I would provide a poll, but I already feel that this should be required. Feel free to query your input users.

Updated: I guess forumotion auto implements it by default. Well there you go!

Last edited by VoIP on July 16th 2017, 3:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Crossing out previous sentence.)
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by SLGray July 16th 2017, 3:41 am

The issue is Photobucket is requiring their members to pay a fee to allow images on third-party sites. It has nothing to do with Forumotion. Also this section is for the support forum.

Photobucket update Slgray10

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by VoIP July 16th 2017, 4:42 am

SLGray wrote:The issue is Photobucket is requiring their members to pay a fee to allow images on third-party sites. It has nothing to do with Forumotion. Also this section is for the support forum.
Yeah but in that case use (which according to there terms of service is the photobucket company)

The point of this is, if users are now being required to pay for the service, I feel it should be done on the forum software, NOT via 3rd party for reasons listed.

Also I do apologize, it wasn't more of a "Suggestion" its just a response back to the topic.
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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guest July 16th 2017, 5:13 am

I agree with what you said, I never liked hosting images on third party services.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by SLGray July 16th 2017, 5:24 am

Topics Merged

Photobucket update Slgray10

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by cassini July 16th 2017, 7:35 pm

This was a ploy knowing that Image Bam and ImgBox was going to close on June 30th, however both have not closed. I have stopped using Photobucket over five years ago, I use other Image uploaders including Servimg.

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Ape July 16th 2017, 10:43 pm

Just to let you know Tinypic is a spin off from Photobucket and so I am told Photobucket has plans to do the same with Tinypic also.

That's why we have removed Tinypic from our systems as a side host on some forums.

Now all forums should have servimg or Imgur
If you are hosting any thing on Tinypic we advise to change it to Servimg or Imgur

Photobucket update Left1212Photobucket update Center11Photobucket update Right112
Photobucket update Ape_b110
Photobucket update Ape1010

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by Guest July 17th 2017, 2:34 am

I was right all along..I knew it..when I was going through Tinypic and seen at that very bottom of that page and it had Photobucket being associated with them..I knew it was going to happen..and I posted that several times on many sites..

I still have over 700 pictures on off to make that my priority..get them off fast..

Thank you Ape for mentioning just confirmed my suspicions

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by azwiz July 17th 2017, 3:21 am

When I got the third party notification from PB . I effected the right and left side of my main page . ( I don't know what the sections are really called ) .
Here they are .

Photobucket update Snap_p11

Here is what it used to look like

Photobucket update Websit11

Here is what it looks like now that I deleted the photobucket pic .

Photobucket update New_ba11

My question is . I thought I knew how to rep-lace the background files . I guess I do not . No matter what I upload . The right and left sides stay black . Probably because I don't know where or how to do it . From what the top screenshot shows . There are 8 sections . I have some non photobucket starry pics that I want to use . I just need to find out how to do it .

SLGray wrote:This topic is not for support. Pleas start a topic in the correct support section.

Uh no other sections will allow me to post . Please spell out for me the proper section .

Last edited by azwiz on July 17th 2017, 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by SLGray July 17th 2017, 3:29 am

This topic is not for support. Pleas start a topic in the correct support section.

Photobucket update Slgray10

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Photobucket update Empty Re: Photobucket update

Post by VoIP July 17th 2017, 3:36 am

APE wrote:Just to let you know Tinypic is a spin off from Photobucket and so I am told Photobucket has plans to do the same with Tinypic also.

That's why we have removed Tinypic from our systems as a side host on some forums.

Now all forums should have servimg or Imgur
If you are hosting any thing on Tinypic we advise to change it to Servimg or Imgur

Please review the terms of Imgur:
ServImg, also has different terms of service, except it allows you to use 3rd party usage. Again if they do an update, that can put downtime on the images, and thus only users who have accessed it will see a cache version.
Along with this, I already wrote the reason why you can't use that as a "Web provider." I don't see the issue. Just have a dropbox for the forums, and have a CAP on the size that can be saved for themes.

If you need a more particular reason, its like me going into a burger king/TacoBell etc setting up shop and selling McDonalds burgers within there store. Not only is revenue decreasing for those extra "stores" they are also being used as a host. Like I said just implement it. With the ammount of Big Data/Cloud based providers.
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