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images not loading

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images not loading Empty images not loading

Post by Neva July 16th 2017, 3:16 am

I cannot see any images on any forumotion site. All of the icons appear as question marks. Any images I try to see on servimg do not load. "Could not establish a secure connection" or "The connection was reset" This is in both Safari and Chrome.

I am using a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.9.5

What would you suggest would work to be able to see the uploaded images?
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images not loading Empty Re: images not loading

Post by SLGray July 16th 2017, 3:45 am

The topic was posted in the wrong section, so I have moved it to the correct section.
Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules
It sounds like the link for the images do not have https.

images not loading Slgray10

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images not loading Empty Re: images not loading

Post by Guest July 16th 2017, 1:12 pm

@Neva, if the links are https, you shoud check if your computer's date is set correctly. @SLGray, the links being http should not be a problem.

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