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How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

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Solved How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by TonnyKamper March 5th 2018, 6:04 pm

Hello dear Forumotioners,

I have installed this Forumactif Messenger made by Ange Tuteur, found here:

It works perfectly on my phpbb2 and phpbb3 forums, but it only works partially on my Invision forum, the lightbox that should popup to display the images and videos isn't working, so they can't be played.. the rest works perfect!

Does anyone know if the script needs adjustment voor Invison? Does anyone have a working version on Invision? I'd love to get some input here of what to change..

Kind regards,
Tonny Kamper Smile
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Solved Re: How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by SLGray March 5th 2018, 6:48 pm

TonnyKamper wrote:It works perfectly on my phpbb2 and phpbb3 forums, but it only works partially on my Invision forum, the lightbox that should popup to display the images and videos isn't working, so they can't be played.. the rest works perfect!
Are you referring to the image resizer tutorial?  The messenger does not have a lightbox effect.

How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision? Slgray10

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Solved Re: How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by TonnyKamper March 5th 2018, 7:13 pm

I just called it a lightbox effect @SLGray because I think it looks like it.. I meant to say that when you post a message and put up a youtube video as attachement it displays sort of a thumnail image and it should be that when you click on it a box pops up with the video in it and you can play it right in that box.. the same thing applies to images, when you click on the image attachement it should display larger in the popup box.. but that box isn't popping up in Invision so attached youtube videos can't be played and images can't be viewed in a normal size..
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Solved Re: How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by SLGray March 5th 2018, 11:19 pm

Exactly, I also encountering the issue on my ModernBB forum, too.

The work around is typing this in the message box:
[youtube]the last part of the video link[/youtube]

How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision? Slgray10

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Solved Re: How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by TonnyKamper March 6th 2018, 12:31 am

SLGray wrote:Exactly, I also encountering the issue on my ModernBB forum, too.

The work around is typing this in the message box:
[youtube]the last part of the video link[/youtube]

Wow that does the trick @SLgray thank you so much, it even works fine with the img tag :party: Yes 1st

Kind regards,
Tonny Kamper
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Solved Re: How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision?

Post by SLGray March 6th 2018, 12:52 am

You're welcome.
Problem solved & topic archived.
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How to make Forumactif Messenger work correctly on Invision? Slgray10

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