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Changing old domain names to new ones!

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Changing old domain names to new ones! Empty Changing old domain names to new ones!

Post by Lik3lyLad April 20th 2018, 4:46 pm


I would like to replace old domain "" with new "" but it's almost impossible.

It can't be done with word censoring because of that dot (.) between "pixhost" and "org" .

Also I tried with .js code, placed at footer or header

.replace("", "")

but it didn't work.

Can Forumotion Admins change it automatically like you did with photobucket, or add option for URL censoring, or give me right .js code to place it on my page for dynamic on-fly replacement or maybe give me access to SQL to change it there.

Now it's more than 2 weeks I'm struggling with this and I have a lot of posts with that image host.

Any help?

Last edited by Lik3lyLad on April 20th 2018, 7:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Changing old domain names to new ones! Empty Re: Changing old domain names to new ones!

Post by brandon_g April 20th 2018, 4:51 pm


Unfortunatelly we don't give sql access to any of our forums. Since that imagehost isn't that popular it is also unlikely our techs will go out of their way to make changes serverside for this like photobucket (which is a HUGE imagehost with images effecting thousands of forums).

My suggestion would be to try and move to a different image host like our servimg for instance.

If you don't wish to do that, maybe someone else will know a way to get it to change for you.


Changing old domain names to new ones! Brando10
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Changing old domain names to new ones! Empty Re: Changing old domain names to new ones!

Post by Lik3lyLad April 20th 2018, 5:22 pm

Well, it's not big of a help but at least some feedback. Can anyone help me with .js code then? It suppose to work with js code, also I found other imagehost that need update, it's "" -----> "" and who knows maybe it's more to come.

Probably many users are not aware of this so this could be interesting for them as well.

You should be thinking about URL censoring (or to tweak Word Censoring in the way that accept URLs), then we wouldn't have this discussion at all.

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Changing old domain names to new ones! Empty Re: Changing old domain names to new ones!

Post by SLGray April 20th 2018, 10:56 pm

Changing old domain names to new ones! Slgray10

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