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Broken dangerous ads

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In progress Broken dangerous ads

Post by Guest August 28th 2018, 7:26 am

Broken dangerous ads  Screen10
If Google picks this up easy detection then something is wrong seriously wrong

System: Tablet Android
My tablet pick this up easy if I see this happening on my mobile which a major device ads and Google detection it was dangerous then something is wrong with you an some ad host to be questioned this doesn't need to be placed in inappropriate ads it's something more serious then that

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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by Ape August 28th 2018, 10:52 am

when is this coming up ? is it when you go to your site if yes please post the link to your site so we can run tests and find the bad ad's that are doing this so we can have them removed I understand you are using a pad of some sort so it's hard to get the data we want so i will see if i can get the same thing and report it for you.


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Broken dangerous ads  Ape1010

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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by SLGray August 28th 2018, 10:39 pm

What does it say when you click details?

Broken dangerous ads  Slgray10

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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by Guest August 29th 2018, 11:58 pm

I just went back to safety for reasons it happened at random this ad all I could do was screenshot it because I didn't trust it . This happens on Android randomly when I try just simple taping on the screen befor I can even access or login or before a pop up ad comes up it very annoying this why I trust Wii u better because it ignores it completely. I can except the simple ads but the random pop ups even if I have block dangerous ads on an this still showed up is bad. But again make less pop up ones that bypass a security protection ads block on a pad. I have safe browsing on that protects from dangerous site ads block for guess what Google chrome browser so ya major red light. Do I need to say more

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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by brandon_g August 30th 2018, 12:55 am


We can remove this ad, but we need very specific info to do so. If you could provide as much of this info as possible so we can try and locate the problem ad and get it removed:

        [b]- Url of your forum[/b]
        [b]- Ads displayed on PC, on tablet, on mobile (android, apple,...)[/b]:
        [b]- Image location (copy and then past here)[/b]:
        [b]- The link location (copy and then past here)[/b]:
        [b]- Link on the ads and copy-past the final link[/b]:

Broken dangerous ads  Brando10
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Location : USA

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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by whydoyouhatetutanota September 9th 2018, 5:01 am

This is user error. You should not be using the interweb without AdBlocking. 98% of malware problems are eliminated by casual AdBlocking. android? DNS66. ios? TouchBlock.
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In progress Re: Broken dangerous ads

Post by Jucarese September 9th 2018, 12:06 pm

hi the redirection to ads when you enter a forum may also be for lack of activity and points in the forum, then try to put a couple of new topics in the forum

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