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Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us?

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Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us? Empty Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us?

Post by doctordanieldaves January 16th 2019, 7:40 pm

I searched high and low to find right place to post this. Every place wanted to know my problem. I don't have problem, but I need help.
1. We want to build a user forum that's cutting edge and will work inside of our agricultural web site. It needs to have translation available. One person needs to post a farm problem from India in Hindi, and another person needs to see it in his language in Africa, maybe Swahili, and answer in his language, translated back to Hindi. We need a global community of farmers who can help answer farming, insect, fungus, bacteria problems, snapping photos and uploading those or videos.  Global community needs to translate the request and reply in their language. Is this possible?
2. We need to find someone that's really good at putting a forum together for us, cutting edge, that has alot of bells and whistles.

If you can help me with any of these questions, please feel free to email me at r Email Removed or respond to this thread and I'll be watching. We need to have something robust up and running in 30 days if possible.  The theme is GLOBAL FOOD PROVIDERS or GLOBAL FOOD REVOLUTION. We are helping third world farmers to feed their poor, widows and orphans in distress in their communities. Thanks for your time and help.  Sorry if I posted in wrong place.  - Daniel Daves
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Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us? Empty Re: Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us?

Post by SLGray January 16th 2019, 7:48 pm

This is a support forum for forums hosted by Forumotion.  We do not allowed this type (advertising/recruitment) of post in the support sections. 

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Help Please - Use Translator for all global languages? And Anyone To Hire To Build A Good Forum For Us? Slgray10

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