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the recent track on the left and the player on the top of the forum dont work

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In progress the recent track on the left and the player on the top of the forum dont work

Post by cronosmorlock September 20th 2019, 1:32 pm

Technical Details

Forum version : #phpBB2
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox
Who the problem concerns : Yourself
When the problem appeared : 5 days ago
Forum link :

Description of problem

when someone connected to the forum could listen to the music but suddenly this has stopped working.Im not a computer expert and dont now how to fix the widget
Thanks for your time
New Member

Posts : 1
Reputation : 1
Language : greek english

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In progress Re: the recent track on the left and the player on the top of the forum dont work

Post by skouliki September 20th 2019, 1:36 pm


can you post the code please using the tags

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In progress Re: the recent track on the left and the player on the top of the forum dont work

Post by Guest September 20th 2019, 5:24 pm

Your player is probably set to autoplay the sound. Browsers have implemented a policy that will basically stop websites from playing music/video automatically, because most users, myself included, are annoyed by this practice. There are ways to go around that limitation, but none of them will allow you to autoplay music like you used to. The best solution, in my opinion, is to allow your users to choose if they want to listen to music or not.

As skouliki already said, we need the code for the player that you are using.

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In progress Re: the recent track on the left and the player on the top of the forum dont work

Post by skouliki October 5th 2019, 10:04 am


is this solved?

Female Posts : 15404
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Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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