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General Chat

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General Chat Empty General Chat

Post by Guest May 22nd 2020, 10:44 am

Choice of Category: Leisure 
Choice of Title: General Chat
Forum Address:
Main Language: English
Forum Description: We are a laid back community who enjoy each others company with leisure discussions about whatever pops into our lives and mind. 
Main Admin: Linette

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by Guest July 14th 2020, 1:19 am

The board skin of Canadian Bacon was updated from AwesomeBB to ModernBB.

Last edited by Linette on July 14th 2020, 3:31 am; edited 2 times in total

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by brandon_g July 14th 2020, 3:03 am


You can not 'Bump' threads in the promotion section. You can only post updates to it every 24 hours. An update is like when you have any new site changes, or maybe some new topics or staff or something you want to announce.

Please read the rules for the promotion section to avoid any further issues. Wink

This is not an official reminder, just a heads up about the rules.


Last edited by brandon_g on July 14th 2020, 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total

General Chat Brando10
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Male Posts : 10113
Reputation : 923
Language : English
Location : USA

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by Guest July 29th 2020, 1:29 pm

I have just added a new blog category for Blogs, Vlogs, and Phlogs for anyone who would like to join in on the fun I can add one for them/you/him/her as well with a title of their/your choice.  Smile

I have added one called Social Butterfly.  Popcorn

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by Guest August 1st 2020, 2:24 pm

Just added a 'Poll' forum to General Discussion for everyone who would like to participate in creating or taking polls or both, the choice is yours. bye

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by Jucarese July 27th 2024, 9:25 pm

melvas66 wrote:I can post in any of the section expect this one.

This is a section closed to the public. You can only comment on the forums in this section but not publish your forum here.

You can advertise your forum Here:Forum Presentation Proposals

Male Posts : 2544
Reputation : 118
Language : spanish
Location : SSF Admin

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General Chat Empty Re: General Chat

Post by SLGray July 28th 2024, 10:06 am

Since the forum does not exist, this topic will be sent to the garbage.

General Chat Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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Male Posts : 51522
Reputation : 3523
Language : English
Location : United States

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