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SEO and Meta Tags

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SEO and Meta Tags Empty SEO and Meta Tags

Post by BravoSix March 22nd 2023, 10:39 pm

Hi all, I'm trying to get more traffic to my forum, and I wondered if anyone with more knowledge than I at SEO and meta-tags can look at the following pic of the tags I'm using in my Admin Panel?

The forum is for wargamers who play tabletop wargames (similar to Warhammer) in the Vietnam War genre. It's more of a community than a flat out forum, so I'd like to draw some new members who may bet attracted to the topics and help it grow. I've included scales like 28mm and 15mm for folks who play Nam in different scale types.

Anyhoo, here's my AdminCP snapshot:

SEO and Meta Tags U4357Nz

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SEO and Meta Tags Empty Re: SEO and Meta Tags

Post by brandon_g March 22nd 2023, 10:46 pm

Is this not the same issue as in this topic: ?


SEO and Meta Tags Brando10
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SEO and Meta Tags Empty Re: SEO and Meta Tags

Post by SLGray March 22nd 2023, 11:24 pm

SEO and Meta Tags Slgray10

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