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How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

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Solved How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by azwiz May 17th 2023, 1:37 am

Usually if I have a topic or 2 . That I create in a hidden forum . That I don't want on the latest topics list . I can load it into the correct forum the following day . That will make it a not fresh topic and it won't show on the list .

But . What if I have say 12 topics that I want to create/add to a forum . I don't want to create them in a hidden forum . Then move them the next day ?

Leaving it . :

Mark all topics read • Start watching forum • Back to top

Like the above . Does not keep it off the list . Same as not clicking this :

Watch this topic for replies

Does not keep it off the list .

Is there a way to do this ?

I guess I can hide the forum . Then load it up . Then unhide it . But I think I would still have to wait till the next day to keep the topics off of the scrolling latest topics list .
There may not be a way . But if there is ? Please let me know .

Thank you .

Last edited by azwiz on May 17th 2023, 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 837
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Location : Apache Junction , Arizona USA

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Solved Re: How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by SLGray May 17th 2023, 2:20 am

If I understand correctly, members who can not see the hidden area will see the titles of the topic. But when they click them, they will only see the message that they do not have permission to see the topic.  I am assuming that you do not want your members to even see the titles of the topic?

How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list Slgray10

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Solved Re: How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by azwiz May 17th 2023, 2:50 am

No . It's not that . It is that I don't want to change the current scrolling list . I don't want to disturb what I currently have posted .

I want to get ahead of myself .

If I wanted to create a forum with the names of 10 different people . Those names would take over the list . The current topics would be replaced before todays users had a chance to view all of todays posts .

The reason I know these topics appear of course is I have to log out to see the real view . Because what I see is the many topics I have created in hidden forums for future posting .

I guess there is no way without hiding them until a future time . When they are not new . I can move them to the correct forum . Then activate/repost one of them .

Eventually all topics are viewable to everyone .

I just want the scrolling list to be left alone .

Male Posts : 837
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Language : english
Location : Apache Junction , Arizona USA

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Solved Re: How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by skouliki May 17th 2023, 7:00 am


You want to make new threads without these threads being shown in the latest topic widget right?
The only solution i can see is to use this tutorial and make as many widgets as you want for different categories

and dont use the latest topic widget

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Solved Re: How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by azwiz May 17th 2023, 8:37 am

skouliki wrote:Hello

You want to make new threads without these threads being shown in the latest topic widget right?
The only solution i can see is to use this tutorial and make as many widgets as you want for different categories

and dont use the latest topic widget

That might be something to try sometime . Thank you . I'll save it .

What i'm doing now . By creating the new topics in a hidden forum , then posting the new topics the following day . Seems to be working well enough . They won't show in the latest topics and I can repost 1 topic in each forum to show in the latest topics . I can then regulate how many and which topics show .

Thank you very much

Solved .

Male Posts : 837
Reputation : 9
Language : english
Location : Apache Junction , Arizona USA

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Solved Re: How to load up a forum with topics & stay off the scrolling latest topics list

Post by skouliki May 17th 2023, 9:22 am

you are welcome

Problem solved & topic archived.
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