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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Empty Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

Post by DevloperToxic Tue 17 Oct 2023 - 4:06

I am currently trying to know if the usergroups will update new changes better than we currently have today Question
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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Empty Re: Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

Post by Razor12345 Tue 17 Oct 2023 - 8:44

Good morning!

Please, read the rules of this section

You should indicate a specific suggestion for improvement.
The answer to a similar question was given by Luzz on the French support forum:

Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Screen51
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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Empty Re: Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

Post by DevloperToxic Tue 17 Oct 2023 - 21:20

Razor12345 wrote:Good morning!

Please, read the rules of this section

You should indicate a specific suggestion for improvement.
The answer to a similar question was given by Luzz on the French support forum:

what does this supposed to mean Question
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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Empty Re: Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

Post by Mihai Tue 17 Oct 2023 - 22:56

DevloperToxic wrote:what does this supposed to mean Question
Luzz wrote:Hello @orpheus,

Thank you for this topic, however I'm not sure there is much that can be said about it.

You should know that Forumactif is a large international platform which therefore manages a lot of practical, technical and external aspects that are very different and very complex to combine together, which as such already takes time.

And then, for each idea, it is necessary to evaluate its relevance for users, put in relation to its interest from all points of view for the development, the continuity of the quality of the service.

Also, there are not really "priority" or "non-priority" subjects, but certain subjects will not be explored as a priority because of the investment required, particularly in terms of time, or the potential changes in existing behavior , mean that the novelty would bring too little to users proportionally. For example, for smileys, making a development with the aim of modernizing them would mean that some forums would be disappointed with the change, others would find it unimportant, and others would be happy.
But when we look, for those who would like this change, it is now possible following the redesign of the smileys at the beginning of the year to delete them in batches and re-import several smileys at once, so it can be done in a few minutes. In the end, it is therefore a minor change in itself, but the consequences of which could be more serious than expected...

As for the other "priorities" of the service, you will understand that it is impossible to communicate on them before they are put into production for multiple reasons. I will just mention the fact that the developer team manages projects using the SCRUM method (many articles are available on the Internet to understand the principle). Thus, it is difficult for Forumotion to announce development priorities in advance when they are constantly evolving.

The objective is all the same, to provide new functionalities which are useful to users and to the service as a whole and which allow (this is already a lot of work) to keep up to date with day-to-day developments on the web. Smile

I hope I have answered, in broad terms, your question. Given the nature of the response, I prefer to close this topic, counting on your understanding, since the community debates on this subject would not be entirely relevant.

See you soon with new Wink updates
Have a nice sunny day,

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Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Empty Re: Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future?

Post by SLGray Wed 18 Oct 2023 - 1:05

You need to give a specific improvement or feature in a suggestion.   What you have posted looks more like a discussion topic.

Will usergroups (Group) will update in the future? Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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