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problems with being logged out and images loading

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Solved problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by mackem April 4th 2024, 1:17 am

For the last couple of weeks there’s been a problem with opening posts and uploading images.
Images are showing a JSON fault, which there isn’t, and failing to upload.
When images are uploaded and given a posting link, they aren’t visible immediately, often being visible the next day.
Click on a link to open a thread in a new tab results in one being logged out, often taking several attempts at logging in and out before the page doesn’t keep disconnecting you.
Today it has taken me an hour to post do five post due to being logged out and images not loading.
There’s being no administrator or moderators to contact since 2014.
I’ve previously asked if anyone would be willing to consider taking control and there was a complete lack of interest.

I'm not sure if having an administrator would help, or prevent such problems, but I've left another post today to see if anyone is interested,
As a dyslexic pensioner, I’m not an ideal candidate, and would possible do more harm than good.

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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by SLGray April 4th 2024, 1:50 am

So you are just a member on that forum?

problems with being logged out and images loading Slgray10

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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by skouliki April 4th 2024, 7:45 am


since 2014 we have made many updates/changes
unfortunately, the forum hasn't been updated so it is normal to have problems and conflicts

you can become the founder of that forum if you wish since the founder has been absent for more than 6 months
Please read this tutorial:

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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by mackem April 4th 2024, 9:55 pm

SLGray wrote:So you are just a member on that forum?
Yes, but I not going over anyone's head,since there's no admin there isn't anyone on the forum to sort out any issues.

Members can't even start a poll, and the last attempt by posting a suggestion for someone to take control, failed completely.
Scouliki's suggestion is one answer, but I haven't a clue, dyslexic, with one foot in the grave and the attention span of gold fish.
Posted another inquiry, but up to now there hasn't been anyone publicly shown an interest,
So I apologize if I'm out of order, but there doesn't seem to be any other way to try and get anything fixed expect by asking here.
If it is out of order, just say and I'll leave you in peace.
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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by skouliki April 5th 2024, 7:35 am

you can start a topic if a poll is difficult just asking if anyone agrees you taking over the forum
after 5 days send me by pm the link of that thread and an active email you want the founder account to change to

then i will ask the head office if it is ok for you to take over the forum since it has been inactive for so long

after you have access to the admin panel we can help you solve all your issues do not worry...

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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by mackem April 5th 2024, 7:06 pm

I started a post yesterday in the 'General Rave' thread asking if there was anyone interested in taking control, not if anyone minded if I took over.
If after a couple of weeks there's isn't anyone interested, we can take it from there.
I personally would be struggling with even the basics, let alone what would be required to tidy things up like dead links and spam posts.
Although I had hoped that head office would allow installing a moderator rather than taking ownership, maybe the best possible solution if forced to take full control, would be trying to recruit a couple of moderators to help.
One can only hope that there's a little more interest than last time.
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Solved Re: problems with being logged out and images loading

Post by skouliki April 5th 2024, 8:48 pm

Ok i will be mark this as solved then
After 1 week send me a pm with the following information
- forum url
- link of the thread you opened
- a new email to replace the existing old creation email
Thank you

Problem solved & topic archived.
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