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Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

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Solved Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by albano12 April 12th 2012, 5:40 am

Hi there,

My name is Mike. Right now, I am running the forum, . I have friends of mine, and also other people who are attempting to make accounts on my forums to participate in all of our activities, but when they attempt to create an account, it keeps saying their name is taken, yet it certainly isn't, and is no where in the database. For instance, I had a friend of mine attempting to create the name "Jesseh" and I knew for sure that no one had taken this account, yet it kept not allowing him to create it. I searched the database right after to make sure, and I was right. There was no account by the name of "Jesseh" anywhere. It said the user did not exist, yet he couldn't create it. had him make a different name, "Jessehh" and then I changed it via the administration panels to "Jesseh" and it worked. This is not the first time this has occurred. I have a similar recent occurrence with the same thing. A friend tried to create the name "Mitch" and it was taken, then the name "Duel" and it was taken, and then the name "ThisNameIsNotTaken" and that was taken.. None of these are in the database, yet its disallowing their creation. Anyone know why this could be happening? Thank you very much for reading, and I hope theirs a simple solution.
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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Base April 12th 2012, 12:11 pm

Hello Mike,

It could be the security feature. Try disabling it at:

1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
2. General Tab
3. Security (on the left, under Forum)
4. Select 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames. : No'

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Kalliopi April 12th 2012, 9:31 pm

Check Admin panel > users and Groups > inactive users You might find that someone has already tried to join with that name and made a typo with their e-mail addy, or used a hotmail addy that has been picked up as spam, so not got their activation. Delete anything in there, so they can try again. Smile

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by albano12 April 15th 2012, 6:26 am

Thank you Base. I've changed the setting as you've stated. Yes was selected, so I changed it to no. And there are no inactive users Kalliopi. I just checked. Hopefully, this was the cause, unfortunately, I won't know exactly if its fixed or not until I get a report that the names were taken again, so I'll definitely check back here if it occurs. And thank for you your time. Razz
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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Jophy April 15th 2012, 7:58 am


It is only this option that prevents some username from being disabled:
It could be the security feature. Try disabling it at:

1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
2. General Tab
3. Security (on the left, under Forum)
4. Select 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames. : No'
Once you turned that of, it should fix the issue. Wink

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Base April 15th 2012, 11:10 am

albano12 wrote:Thank you Base. I've changed the setting as you've stated. Yes was selected, so I changed it to no. And there are no inactive users Kalliopi. I just checked. Hopefully, this was the cause, unfortunately, I won't know exactly if its fixed or not until I get a report that the names were taken again, so I'll definitely check back here if it occurs. And thank for you your time. Razz

Great, I will leave this topic open for your reply then. Smile

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Solved Username already taken

Post by RevexAU April 18th 2012, 4:44 am

A lot of my members have been telling me that they can't have simple names like 'Zach' , 'Ryan' or 'Shawn' it says when they try to log in that the username has already been taken but in-fact it has not. I would like to know how to fix this , My current members are being forced to do something like 'Shawn7' or 'Zach2' and then I have to edit there username so they get the one they like.

Does anyone have a solution?

My forums are , If you wish to try for yourself then try and make an account with your name or something simple with no numbers etc.

Staff please move this from Other Problems to Connection Problems

edit kirk
RevexAU since this thread was here already and the same problem i have merged your thread with this one.

Note to staff i have sent RevexAU a pm with this threads link.

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by kirk April 18th 2012, 7:31 am

well the only way this would come up is if someone else on your forum already had used these names and are members.

In most cases this can mean that you have inactive members in the inactive members list with the names. Basically it would mean that someone has registered with a name but never activated the account, (reasons?) could be due to using a fake email, or if the activation message was sent to their spam box and the registering member never found it/activated the account.

Go through your inactive members list and be sure, these names are not in there. If they are in there, then it would be up to you if you want to activate the accounts or not.. If they are not in there, be sure you do not have any members with these names in your ban list or list of names that you would not allow.

Then if none of that checks out.something is wrong for sure and we will have to pass this on to a pro-admin.

Please be sure to check all i have said first.
Thanx Smile

RevexAU wrote:

Staff please move this from Other Problems to Connection Problems
This is more of a other problem and see no reason to move to connection problems, If a pro-admin is needed they will be notified and post marked for them to see as well. thumleft

Info added
kirk wrote: be sure you do not have any members with these names in your ban list or list of names that you would not allow.

RevexAU, what i meant by or list of names that you would not allow. Is step/number 4 of what base and Jophy have above.
Please be sure to check that as well.

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by RevexAU April 18th 2012, 8:57 am

Thank you for informing me Kirk , As for the solution that worked for me (It has been said before)

1) Go to Administrator Panel
2) Click on the 'General' tab
3) Click on 'Security' on the left hand side under 'Forum'
4) Set 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames' to No.

This worked 100% for me and it should be the solution for everyone.

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by kirk April 18th 2012, 9:14 am

RevexAU wrote:Thank you for informing me Kirk , As for the solution that worked for me (It has been said before)

1) Go to Administrator Panel
2) Click on the 'General' tab
3) Click on 'Security' on the left hand side under 'Forum'
4) Set 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames' to No.

This worked 100% for me and it should be the solution for everyone.

right thats probably the same solution for albano12 to.
But in some cases if you have a name thats banned,in the inactive list or may be even censored then you want to be sure you check them too,

So cool glad you got yours worked out bounce hopefully it will be the same albano12 héhé

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Gamer1010 April 22nd 2012, 3:11 pm

This was happening to me, my sister, wanted to make an account on my forum and it didn't work, no one had that username.

It's probably a glitch or something.
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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by Jophy April 22nd 2012, 4:47 pm


Read this:
It could be the security feature. Try disabling it at:

1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
2. General Tab
3. Security (on the left, under Forum)
4. Select 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames. : No'

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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by albano12 May 1st 2012, 6:03 am

Jophy wrote:Hello,

Read this:
It could be the security feature. Try disabling it at:

1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
2. General Tab
3. Security (on the left, under Forum)
4. Select 'Unauthorize subscriptions made with the most commonly used spam usernames. : No'
He's exactly right. Stopped the problem for me, and hasn't happened since. Sorry for the late response, just wanted to make sure it was good, and I've had no such occurrences that have been reported. Razz Thank you very much, I appreciate the help. You guys can close this now.
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Solved Re: Account names unavailible, yet don't exist.

Post by SLGray May 1st 2012, 6:11 am

Topic Solved & Locked

Account names unavailible, yet don't exist. Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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