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Domain Name Won't Renew; Old Address Redirects to Nonexistent Domain

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Solved Domain Name Won't Renew; Old Address Redirects to Nonexistent Domain

Post by domainnameisaproblem August 24th 2013, 8:23 pm

I have a rather complex problem regarding my forum.

My site has had two years of free domain hosting by forumotion because of its activity. In both those cases the domain worked just fine after I'd received the validation email. However, the third time it was offered to me, the domain had already expired and we'd had switched back to using

When I got the validation email this time, I was informed that the domain would be available to me in a couple hours; as was standard. Now that it's been a few days, I am of the opinion that it obviously hasn't renewed.

The old address now automatically redirects to and I cannot access my admin panel or my forum itself because is no longer a domain I can find my things on; on my computer, at least, it redirects to a GoDaddy advertizement page that is hogging the domain.

I'd like my domain back, but if that can't be done I'd at least want to get my free forum address working again. It's been redirecting all day today now, and it's worrying me because there's a lot of work on my forum that has most likely not been backed up by any of the users. I have not forced redirect. Something else has, and I cannot access because I don't have my founder password.

What do?

EDIT: I fixed it. I went to the backup file of my site on my computer and opened Index. This opens the homepage. From there, I logged in and went to the admin panel, where I turned off forced redirect. Now the forumotion address works; still belongs to godaddy.
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Solved Re: Domain Name Won't Renew; Old Address Redirects to Nonexistent Domain

Post by SLGray August 25th 2013, 3:56 am

Thanks for editing your post with the solution.

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Domain Name Won't Renew; Old Address Redirects to Nonexistent Domain Slgray10

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