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Trouble writing code on portal page

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Solved Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by ShiKaKa September 26th 2013, 11:38 am


It's been a while since i used my forum and i recently decided to pick it back up again. I opened the admin panel and everything looked just like it used too when i used it. Very easy. The issue question i have is when i used to edit my portal page i didn't have to write actual HTML script.. i really enjoyed that because i'm not much of a script type person. The process i used was-
Module > Portal > Structure > Modify Widget [what ever one i wanted] > Edit

Once i got to the Edit part i used to be able to turn off the HTML writing and just copy paste images and write what ever i wanted and it was code it for me. Is it not possible to do that anymore? Do i have to write in code? that would be a huge bummer because i don't know how to write code. It's been so long since i've done it on this site that looking at the widgets in code now i don't even know where to start. is my forum, and i'm pretty sure it's invision because that's what it says on the bottom but i could have swore i made it with phpbb3. Anyways i hope you can answer this for me and thank you so much!

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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by runawayhorses September 26th 2013, 1:33 pm

You can still copy and paste codes into widgets so I don't know why you can't. Is the right-click not working, or what happens when you press ctrl + V ?

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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by ShiKaKa September 26th 2013, 1:41 pm

I'm sorry I don't think i explained it well enough.

When i used to use the widgets i didn't need coding at all, i could change it to where i could just copy and paste pictures into the widget and you would see it exactly the way i copied it. I didnt need to use coding at all.

ie - I could right click a picture and copy it > go to the widget and paste that picture.

So there was no coding needed on MY end, it would code it for me basically. Does that make more sense?
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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by runawayhorses September 26th 2013, 2:05 pm

I think its because you were in wysiwyg mode. Try clicking the "HTML" button on the top left-hand side of the widget box, that should give you what you're looking for.

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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by ShiKaKa September 26th 2013, 2:08 pm

Okay i remember that's what it is and i found the problem, it doesn't show up on Google chrome. I just opened it on Internet Explorer and it showed up.. i swear i'm not an idiot... just tired.

That does suck though that means i cant use Chrome and have to use IE.. maybe itll work in Firefox. Thanks for the help!
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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by runawayhorses September 26th 2013, 2:10 pm

Yeah I remember hearing someone say chrome had a problem with it, I can tell you however it works in firefox.

You're welcome. Smile 

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Solved Re: Trouble writing code on portal page

Post by SLGray September 26th 2013, 7:39 pm

Topic Solved & Locked

Trouble writing code on portal page Slgray10

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