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Create Post window BUGS when using Preview

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In progress Create Post window BUGS when using Preview

Post by Commodore October 2nd 2013, 7:02 pm

I click on color, font, font size, You Tube, or bold and I either get an error message or the window just closes. Preview has always been open when this has happened.

I have multiple people telling me they have the same problem.  This is happening after your aweful upgrade.  Sorry, its unanimus, outside of the youtube video feature, there are major complaints and dissatisfaction amongst my forum members.

Anyhow, can I please get feedback on how to fix this problem, or when its going to get addressed?
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In progress Re: Create Post window BUGS when using Preview

Post by SLGray October 3rd 2013, 1:44 am

Create Post window BUGS when using Preview Slgray10

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