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[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

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Solved [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:28 am

Hello everybody,
I have 2 sites, and I've done buy "remove ads" one time before.
But for my 2nd site, when I buy "remove ads" when I check to buy the next time the price has increased 10 times ???

(Screenshot - Site 2)
[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Ad110

15301 credits for 12 months? Sorry, but it's too expensive ..
And one of my first site, also had to buy "remove ads" before. The selling price has not changed!

(Screenshot - Site 1)
[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Ad210

2000 credits for 12 months !!!

Please correct the errors as quickly as possible, I need to remove ads!
Thank for read this topic Smile

Last edited by levuhoang on December 9th 2014, 6:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 6:30 am

You do not need to add help to your topic titles.

The price can change based on forum activity.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:33 am

SLGray wrote:You do not need to add help to your topic titles.

The price can change based on forum activity.

My site is only 1,000 members and 2000 visitors per days (30k page view). Why such a high price?

Last edited by levuhoang on December 9th 2014, 6:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SarkZKalie December 9th 2014, 6:38 am

As he said, it based on your forum activity. 30k views a day? Wow, stunning score!

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Sarkzk10
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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:39 am

sarkzkalie01 wrote:As he said, it based on your forum activity. 30k views a day? Wow, stunning score!
Only 30,000 hits, according turns click. Very few!

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:42 am

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Aaa11

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 6:42 am

You do notice in the first screenshot that it says that ads are disabled until June 2015 for members.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:44 am

SLGray wrote:You do notice in the first screenshot that it says that ads are disabled until June 2015 for members.
I buy 6 months for member.
And then I continued to buy 1 month for all visitors and members.
1 month expired. And I want to extend it, but too high.

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 6:47 am

When I said forum activity, that includes number of new members, number of new topics, number of new messages, number of guests visiting, etc.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 6:56 am

SLGray wrote:When I said forum activity, that includes number of new members, number of new topics, number of new messages, number of guests visiting, etc.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Zzzzzz10

We just a website share pictures, comics (no longer Forum).
We just have more posts and topic. And all posts and threads are the all Admin posted.
And our website does not have too many hits.
With a price 10 times higher so we can not afford. Our website has too few hits to earn that much money.

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 8:56 am

Please solve this problem! Confused
We are the Website/Forum share for resources..., So i need to create a lot of posts. Only Admin created topics.
And of course the hits and the number of our members are not many. And i also can not make a lot of money to pay 10 times the number of credits Sad(
I think we just need to count the number of registered members to increase the number of credits. If the post count is not accurate! Exclamation

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 11:05 am

This is not a bug or issue with the credit system. The prices change over time.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 11:08 am

SLGray wrote:This is not a bug or issue with the credit system.  The prices change over time.
Well, this is not a bug.
But this is not true. If based on the number of threads and posts that rise credits, I can not afford to buy it.

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 11:10 am

I will go ahead and report it for you.

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 11:16 am

SLGray wrote:I will go ahead and report it for you.
Thank you very much!
I hope that I do not have to pay 10 times more credits. While my site did not have many hits and members.

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by Shadow December 9th 2014, 11:31 am

Hello @levuhoang

I perfectly understand you trouble, but this not a problem. You have to know that our company can exist thanks to Ads displaying on our forums. That's our way to earn money as Facebook, Twitter and other free internet companies do. Without ads our service could not be free! It is our business plan Smile
By consequence, removing ads cannot be free, otherwise we could not maintain our activity.
It is also normal that forums with highest activity pay more. The first reason is to not penalize small forums. The second reason is absolutly commercial.

Thanks for your understanding



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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by levuhoang December 9th 2014, 11:47 am

Buttercup wrote:Hello @levuhoang

I perfectly understand you trouble, but this not a problem. You have to know that our company can exist thanks to Ads displaying on our forums. That's our way to earn money as Facebook, Twitter and other free internet companies do. Without ads our service could not be free! It is our business plan Smile
By consequence, removing ads cannot be free, otherwise we could not maintain our activity.
It is also normal that forums with highest activity pay more. The first reason is to not penalize small forums. The second reason is absolutly commercial.

Thanks for your understanding


Thank for your reply!
But I think should be based only on the number of members. Obviously my forum activity points are not high.
I am willing to pay 10 times credits, for the number of members increased, rather than the number of posts.

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Solved Re: [Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!!

Post by SLGray December 9th 2014, 9:19 pm

The are other things that are included in forum activity.  You have to take all of them into count.

Topic solved and archived

[Help] Error rates credits for remove ads !!! Slgray10

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