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Add topic title when replying to a post

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Add topic title when replying to a post Empty Add topic title when replying to a post

Post by Guardian-Angel May 27th 2015, 9:45 pm


When replying to a post, or quoting a post to reply, the message window appears to add a post and you can see previous posts on that page.

Is it possible to add the topic title somewhere, maybe under Post a Reply or somewhere near the reply box? Often times with the nature of our forum, a post can take several minutes to put together because we are gathering information. Once it's ready to post, there is nothing to double check to make sure it's in the right topic.

Is this possible?


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Add topic title when replying to a post Empty Re: Add topic title when replying to a post

Post by brandon_g May 27th 2015, 9:56 pm

Have you tried using the advanced editor? I think that might show the topic title above the message box.


Add topic title when replying to a post Brando10
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Add topic title when replying to a post Empty Re: Add topic title when replying to a post

Post by Guardian-Angel May 27th 2015, 10:17 pm

I tried it, it doesn't make a difference, thanks for the suggestion though.

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Add topic title when replying to a post Empty Add topic title when replying to a post

Post by Ange Tuteur May 27th 2015, 10:43 pm

Hi @Guardian-Angel,

Go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management > Create a new script

Placement : In all the pages
Paste the following code :
$(function() {
  if (! || ! || return;
  $.get('/t' + + '-', function(d) { = 'Re: ' + $('.page-title', d).text();

This should automatically load in the default title of the topic, if it's empty.
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Add topic title when replying to a post Empty Re: Add topic title when replying to a post

Post by Guardian-Angel May 27th 2015, 11:43 pm

Hi Ange

That worked perfectly however it took away my Like Button, reverted back to the default +- bar, and it took away the tool bar and all the options in the quick reply box. It was just a plain white box. 

However when choosing the post reply button, the tools were all there.

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