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Sorry, it looks like (email address) belongs to an existing account.

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In progress Sorry, it looks like (email address) belongs to an existing account.

Post by Anado June 18th 2015, 10:40 am

Hello everyone,

I got this message when I tried to create my forum, I tested with another of my email addresses without success, can someone help me? Smile Smile Smile 

By the way, I realized that I am not the only one to have gotten this issue, I tried to access the forum by tapping its address (if the forum was created but I didn't get the validation message), without success too.

Thanks a lot!
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In progress Re: Sorry, it looks like (email address) belongs to an existing account.

Post by SLGray June 18th 2015, 7:30 pm

Please send the email address to me by private message.

 Sorry, it looks like (email address) belongs to an existing account. Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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