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Create a html page and put there member avatar?

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by mcdk July 3rd 2015, 3:26 am

Well my question is quite simple.
I want to create a html page that will be something like control panel for the user with plenty of links to navigate into the forum.
However , i'dlike to put in this page the {USERNAME_AVATAR} image , but it is not possible.
Can you help me plzz?? Hello Hello

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by mcdk July 3rd 2015, 3:33 am

And one more question /...
Is it possible to add in this page an iframe which will display unique page for every member of the memberlist where are displayed lot of information.
That im looking for is the link/url which i'll use to do it.


Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by mcdk July 3rd 2015, 3:40 am

Furthermore , isn't it possible to use some other variables such as { USERNAME } and other usefull information to display in an html page?
plzz help

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by SLGray July 3rd 2015, 4:25 am

Please don't double post. Your post needs to be separated by at least 24 hours before bumping. Please use the edit button instead!

Since this is your third time for double posting, you have received a warning.

After reading your posts, I removed the warning.

Last edited by SLGray on July 3rd 2015, 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Create a html page and put there member avatar? Slgray10

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by mcdk July 3rd 2015, 3:21 pm

my purspore of course , was not to bump , i just wanna add some more requests here , that are not the same as the topic title , so thats why i didnt edit the main message and i chose to post new request as an answer here

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by ROBLOXFave July 3rd 2015, 3:58 pm

@mcdk You called me?
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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by mcdk July 3rd 2015, 6:54 pm

what do u mean?

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by ROBLOXFave July 3rd 2015, 9:17 pm

@mcdk U said  (i'll turn what u said for the call):

mcdk wrote:Furthermore , isn't it possible to use some other variables such as ROBLOXFave and other usefull information to display in an html page?
plzz help
The thing turned BOLD is what i mean. This way you've called me.
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Create a html page and put there member avatar? Empty Re: Create a html page and put there member avatar?

Post by Ape July 4th 2015, 12:02 am

I made a change to your post you used the Tag {USERNAME } In your post if you wish to ask a Question about any Tags like this please put a space in them like i have or use the Code button

This will then stop members thinking your talking to them Direct.

Create a html page and put there member avatar? Button15 Please also make a new thread for each of your problems that way other members can search for the same problem as you

Thank you.


Create a html page and put there member avatar? Left1212Create a html page and put there member avatar? Center11Create a html page and put there member avatar? Right112
Create a html page and put there member avatar? Ape_b110
Create a html page and put there member avatar? Ape1010

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