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Facebook Login Error

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Facebook Login Error Empty Facebook Login Error

Post by Norge100 August 26th 2015, 2:46 pm

I have fixed and it's say ENABLED on and i got error: Invalid Scopes: offline_access. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at:

It's work to i logget in and sync. How to solve it?

Male Posts : 45
Reputation : 2
Language : Norway
Location : Melhus, Kvammen

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Facebook Login Error Empty Re: Facebook Login Error

Post by brandon_g August 26th 2015, 3:40 pm


You have to assocate your account with your FB account. This can be done in your profile.

Note: That for some odd reason it seems that it always gives this error when trying to login with the Facebook account you used to develop the app. I have had this same problem, however, when I used a different account it worked, so your login feature itself is likely working. Just not for you.


Facebook Login Error Brando10
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Facebook Login Error Empty Re: Facebook Login Error

Post by Norge100 August 26th 2015, 4:03 pm

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

You have to assocate your account with your FB account. This can be done in your profile.

Note: That for some odd reason it seems that it always gives this error when trying to login with the Facebook account you used to develop the app. I have had this same problem, however, when I used a different account it worked, so your login feature itself is likely working. Just not for you.



Male Posts : 45
Reputation : 2
Language : Norway
Location : Melhus, Kvammen

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Facebook Login Error Empty Re: Facebook Login Error

Post by brandon_g August 26th 2015, 4:26 pm

Your welcome anytime Very Happy.

Your problem solved?


Facebook Login Error Brando10
Remember to mark your topic Facebook Login Error Solved15 when a solution is found.
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Facebook Login Error Scre1476
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Male Posts : 10113
Reputation : 923
Language : English
Location : USA

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