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Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

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In progress Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by BogdanJovicevic January 4th 2016, 1:24 am

I get that the title didn't say much, but I really didn't know how to explain it Very Happy

I am interested in cooperating with another forum in a way that when users register on that forum, they also register on my forum(and the other way around) and also posts they make should be also posted in a special forum for posts from that forum.I know this most likely doesn't exist, but I wanted to check, and if it doesn't exist as I think it doesn't, feel free to move my topic to suggestions Very Happy
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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by SLGray January 4th 2016, 1:26 am

Not possible.

Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Slgray10

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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by Ape January 4th 2016, 1:32 am

No sorry we would need server side to do that and we do not have the right to FM's servers

Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Left1212Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Center11Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Right112
Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Ape_b110
Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Ape1010

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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by BogdanJovicevic January 4th 2016, 1:39 am

Well, I am looking for a way for users on my forum to be able to view everything in versions for other languages, so do you have some advice?
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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by SLGray January 4th 2016, 1:47 am

Create sections for different languages on your forum.

Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Slgray10

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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by BogdanJovicevic January 4th 2016, 1:54 am

Yes, but will I be able to get a post from one section, copy it to another one and still have its post date and everything the same?
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In progress Re: Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum?

Post by SLGray January 4th 2016, 1:56 am

If you make it a global announcement, it will appear in all forums.  If you want one topic in only two forums, you will have to manually create them.

Is it possible for a user from a forum to post and it appears on another forum? Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51526
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