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ForumOtion Copyrights

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Solved ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 10:11 am

Could anyone explain me what is disabled by disable forumotion copyrights before buy 1000 credits ?
Does it being disabled in faq ?
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri10
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri11
Thanks !

Last edited by hamidou5765 on July 18th 2016, 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 140
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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by Ape July 18th 2016, 12:59 pm

Hello no the copyright in that part of the forum will not be removed the only copyright that is removed is the ones on the main forum such as the footer and the tools bar at the top of your forum. That copyright has the be there by law to show info by the laws of all forums and websites. We do our best to remove all the main links to other parts of the site when you pay to remove the copyrighted items but some we just have to keep there ... I hope this is the answer to your question.

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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 3:21 pm

Which part will be removed here ?
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri13
If i remove copyrights I don't have forum removed if a member violates terms of service of forumotion (restricted content posted not yet moderated) ?

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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 3:22 pm

That copyright has the be there by law to show info by the laws of all forums and websites => even i pay for remove forumotion copyrights law let you keep this part of forum ?

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Language : french


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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 4:00 pm

Which part is removed there ?
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri14
Can I autorize SMS language in forum after decopyrighted forum ?
By buy copyrights so I can modify / remove forumotions copyrights there ?
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri15
I am authorized to remove faq and put my own faq by law after decopyrighted forum ?
ForumOtion Copyrights Copyri16

Posts : 140
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Language : french


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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by brandon_g July 18th 2016, 4:20 pm


Nothing is removed from the default TOU pages. Those are dictacted by laws as well and thus cant be removed. You can add onto it though. If you want to allow sms talk on your forum, thay is sort of up to you, I mean if you dont want to enforce that rule, that is up to you, that one is added for the benefit of your forum as sms can make a forum look bad to some, but it is ultimatelly up to you to enforce that or not. Your forum is not going to get shut down for allowing sms talk on your forum or anything. Razz

The same thing applies to the FAQ page like Ape has already said, nothing from the default FAQ will go away or be removed by purchasing copyright removal, as what is laid out in the default FAQ is also dictacted by laws. You can, however, add onto the FAQ page and your own stuff to it, just like with the TOU page, but you just cant remove anything from the default ones.

When you purchase copyright removal, all that is removed is some of the links here: ForumOtion Copyrights Webpag12 and the copyright and on the toolbar, so yes, you will be able to change the copyright on the toolbar to what you like, if you purchase copyright removal.

Hope this better clears things up for you on this. Smile


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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 4:36 pm

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

Nothing is removed from the default TOU pages. Those are dictacted by laws as well and thus cant be removed. You can add onto it though. If you want to allow sms talk on your forum, thay is sort of up to you, I mean if you dont want to enforce that rule, that is up to you, that one is added for the benefit of your forum as sms can make a forum look bad to some, but it is ultimatelly up to you to enforce that or not. Your forum is not going to get shut down for allowing sms talk on your forum or anything. Razz

The same thing applies to the FAQ page like Ape has already said, nothing from the default FAQ will go away or be removed by purchasing copyright removal, as what is laid out in the default FAQ is also dictacted by laws. You can, however, add onto the FAQ page and your own stuff to it, just like with the TOU page, but you just cant remove anything from the default ones.

When you purchase copyright removal, all that is removed is some of the links here: ForumOtion Copyrights Webpag12 and the copyright and on the toolbar, so yes, you will be able to change the copyright on the toolbar to what you like, if you purchase copyright removal.

Hope this better clears things up for you on this. Smile

I can also remove rules of forumotion and put my own rules then ?

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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 4:40 pm

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

Nothing is removed from the default TOU pages. Those are dictacted by laws as well and thus cant be removed. You can add onto it though. If you want to allow sms talk on your forum, thay is sort of up to you, I mean if you dont want to enforce that rule, that is up to you, that one is added for the benefit of your forum as sms can make a forum look bad to some, but it is ultimatelly up to you to enforce that or not. Your forum is not going to get shut down for allowing sms talk on your forum or anything. Razz

The same thing applies to the FAQ page like Ape has already said, nothing from the default FAQ will go away or be removed by purchasing copyright removal, as what is laid out in the default FAQ is also dictacted by laws. You can, however, add onto the FAQ page and your own stuff to it, just like with the TOU page, but you just cant remove anything from the default ones.

When you purchase copyright removal, all that is removed is some of the links here: ForumOtion Copyrights Webpag12 and the copyright and on the toolbar, so yes, you will be able to change the copyright on the toolbar to what you like, if you purchase copyright removal.

Hope this better clears things up for you on this. Smile

It is not authorized then to edit faq by template regarding laws it is true ?

Posts : 140
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Language : french


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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by brandon_g July 18th 2016, 4:54 pm

That is correct, you are not permitted to remove or edit any part of the default FAQ or TOU page, you can only add onto them.

Note: By add onto them I mean, you can add stuff to them by going to ACP (admin panel)-->General-->Rules and FAQ.


ForumOtion Copyrights Brando10
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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by hamidou5765 July 18th 2016, 5:05 pm

brandon_g wrote:That is correct, you are not permitted to remove or edit any part of the default FAQ or TOU page, you can only add onto them.

Note: By add onto them I mean, you can add stuff to them by going to ACP (admin panel)-->General-->Rules and FAQ.

Thanks for information ! Just if I have any questions after buy credits I should ask there.

Posts : 140
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Language : french


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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by Ape July 18th 2016, 5:47 pm

yes you can add things to your FAQ part but you can not remove any data that is already placed in there as its law that this is there or your forum will be closed down in a matter of days if found to edit any items on our system's

Using your credits will remove all that can be removed and after that there will only be what you have to have by law.

if you have any other problems or need to ask about something then Please open a new topic.

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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by SLGray July 18th 2016, 9:02 pm

The only thing you can modify with copyright removal is the toolbar.  I mean there options to change the image and link.

FAQ, registration pages, and footer links can not be modified.  The only thing you can do is add to them.

The topic was posted in the wrong section, so I have moved it to the correct section.
Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

ForumOtion Copyrights Slgray10

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Solved Re: ForumOtion Copyrights

Post by Ape July 19th 2016, 12:36 pm

As marked as solved ---Problem solved & topic archived.
Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

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Male Posts : 19363
Reputation : 2006
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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