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Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box

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Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box Empty Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box

Post by t0sh August 9th 2016, 5:41 pm

Technical Details

Forum version : #phpBB3
Position : Administrator
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari
Who the problem concerns : All members
Forum link :

Description of problem


I recently made a forum but I am having a few problems that I need resolved. As per usual, I googled other methods for solutions, but they all involve some form of coding, which I know absolutely nothing about.

The problems that are occurring are:

-The background color in the Quick reply box is Black and my font is set to white, but in the Quick reply box, it instantly turns black, so you can't see what you're posting.
-The background color for a Quote on Quote reply turns white, and since my font is white, you can't see what you're typing.
-I would like to remove the 'Search' box that is underneath the header.

If you need the admin rights to fix this problem, let me know. c.Brass

Last edited by t0sh on August 10th 2016, 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box Empty Re: Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box

Post by SLGray August 9th 2016, 8:36 pm

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Problems with the background color on a 'Quote on Quote' response and problems with the background color on my 'Quick Reply' box Slgray10

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