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Newsletter Empty Newsletter

Post by texan April 10th 2018, 4:08 am

Evil or Very Mad I can't send a newsletters until 5/5/18.It says i have to upgrade my forum package!

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Newsletter Empty Re: Newsletter

Post by SLGray April 10th 2018, 4:11 am

Newsletter Slgray10

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Newsletter Empty Re: Newsletter

Post by PurpleTears April 15th 2018, 1:59 am

i'm sorry i think this is kinda crappy i can no longer send a newsletter when i want unless i upgrade smh

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Newsletter Empty Re: Newsletter

Post by brandon_g April 15th 2018, 2:31 am


I just want to say the newetter thing is for the better of the whole system. See there was always back ups on the newsletter server resulting from so many people sending so many newsletters at once. I think with this with this new system in place, it will improve send out times alot. You have to understand where there are millions of forums all sending out newsletters at once, it can create great strain on the system which can cause alot of issues.

I believe the newsletter restriction was implemented to reduce the workload and strain on the newsletter system, ultimatelly leading it to it working better in the longterm.

I can understand it taking a little bit to adjust to the changes, I just wanted to make sure you knew there was a valid reason behind why newsletter restrictions were included in the new system.


Newsletter Brando10
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Newsletter Empty Re: Newsletter

Post by Neptune- April 15th 2018, 7:58 am


brandon_g wrote:I believe the newsletter restriction was implemented to reduce the workload and strain on the newsletter system, ultimatelly leading it to it working better in the longterm.

That's 100% true of course, and those who used to send newsletters have noticed regular strain and seasonnal : december / january for example, or just after a major issue on the Forumotion service.

But there's also another reason. It's to stop (or at least to prevent) some forums to send newsletters including phishing links. A nightmare then for the pro staff to get Forumotion sending emails removed from the blacklists of so many mail providers.
Once again, The behaviour of a few forums was penalizing for all of us.

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