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Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site

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In progress Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site

Post by NAMTron Wed 8 Jan - 17:53

Technical Details

Forum version : #PunBB
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox
Screenshot of problem :
Who the problem concerns : All members
When the problem appeared : Since creatrion of forum
Forum link :

Description of problem

I want to significantly increase the overall width of our forum but I dont know where or how I do this.
As per my screenshot, our forum width is much smaller than the forumotion site and we would like to make it bigger if we can. How do we increase this width? (see screenshot to show)

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In progress Re: Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site

Post by SLGray Wed 8 Jan - 18:06

Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site Width10

Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site Slgray10

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In progress Re: Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site

Post by skouliki Thu 9 Jan - 3:03


browsing your forum from a laptop (mozilla and chrome) i can also see your forum very wide like the screenshot SLGray posted above

the forum width general can be modified from here admin
Pages structure..Forum width (number or %) :

also we dont see that pink background you see in your screenshot
if you inspect your forum we can see that the width is actually wide 98% so maybe this is caused by different screen resolutions

Increasing the websites overall column width/ enlarging the site Scre1633

maybe you can try to change the max -width from 1600px to 3000px to check if that will work so add this to your css

.pun {
      max-width: 3000px;

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