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chat room will not delete

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In progress chat room will not delete

Post by Brenda Ravary August 25th 2020, 12:07 am

I am sorry if I am in the wrong place. I have looked all over for an hour and can't find the answer to this anywhere and have read all over as well. My forumotion was created about 2-3 years ago as a backup when we moved from yuku to Tapatalk. A kind friend created it for me. I am lost with this right now. Last week I decided to move over to forumotion. Well I can't delete the chat room . The lady who did it can't create me a new one till this one is deleted. Actually there were 2, was was deleted by my other admin I guess and I tried following your instructions and ended up with a side widget which I managed to delete again. Now I even have accidently removed my skin and it looks horrible but I still have the chat room. I am a real newbie at this.

Let's say it is now about 4 days where I (in Ontario) one admin in Australia and another in England having been crossing time zones. Can you please help me get rid of the chat room so I can create another one. To join here I even had to create another email address because I guess I had joined when I first made this and they would not take my email addy... I will have to get the info to change my email to my main one next step. I would really appreciate simple steps to help and again if this is wrong place I apologize. Brenda
Brenda Ravary
Brenda Ravary
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Posts : 15
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In progress Re: chat room will not delete

Post by tikky August 25th 2020, 12:50 am

Hello @Brenda Ravary,

Welcome to Forumotion Support Forum! Are you talking about the "Cbox"?! You can remove it just go to Adminstration Panel > Display > Homepage > Generalities on "Message content" click in this icon Source Code and remove the whole code.

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In progress Re: chat room will not delete

Post by SLGray August 25th 2020, 2:03 am

The topic was posted in the wrong section, so I have moved it to the correct section.
Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

chat room will not delete Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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In progress Re: chat room will not delete

Post by skouliki September 6th 2020, 8:58 am

When your request is complete, please mark it as solved

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