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Email push notifications are sent with delay

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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by TroubledMind October 26th 2020, 12:53 am

Technical Details

Forum version : #ModernBB
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Google Chrome
Who the problem concerns : All members
When the problem appeared : Since August 2020.
Forum link : ( link is hidden, you must reply to see )

Description of problem

Hi guys.

This problem has been happening ever since I opened the forum back in August.
We have the toolbar activated and everything. And the email notifications are sent with hours of delay.

There has been times when I received a private message, for example. And I only received the notification email for that same private message 6 hours after receiving the PM.

I wanted to know if there is a solution for this problem. It happens to all of our users. And we don't know what has to be changed for the email notifications to be sent at the same time that the notification is being generated, instead of hours later.
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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Re: Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by SLGray October 26th 2020, 1:15 am

Are there a lot of members on your forum?  Also are all of them using the email notifications?

Email push notifications are sent with delay Slgray10

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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Re: Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by TonnyKamper October 26th 2020, 2:20 pm

I can confirm this happens with the Dutch forums too, it takes up to 3 and a half hours to deliver the email notifications at the members email addresses. In the mornings it doesn't take that much time but still they don't arrive immediately but at least it takes 15-20 minutes, but as the day progresses it takes longer and longer for them to arrive..
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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Re: Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by The Godfather October 26th 2020, 5:08 pm


The tech team looked to see if they could find anything that could explain the delays.

Apparently, there are issues with some services that cause these delay issues. These services are = = Are you concerned? Unfortunately, you must contact their support in order to share your complaints with them.
The Godfather
The Godfather

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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Re: Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by TonnyKamper October 26th 2020, 7:04 pm

@The Godfather to my knowledge I have nothing to do with any of these services unless the last one includes ? 
I can only say it started happening right after the last major maintenance a few weeks ago..
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Email push notifications are sent with delay Empty Re: Email push notifications are sent with delay

Post by TroubledMind October 26th 2020, 10:36 pm

There are +40 active members in my forum and it happens to all of them. I've been receiving complaints for months now and I've suffered it myself too.

Also I've never heard of any of the servers mentioned. As the other user said, unless "" is actually "" and there is problems using that.
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