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Forum is locked

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Solved Forum is locked

Post by azwiz 30/10/2020, 06:41

No I am not locked out of my Forum . But at the bottom of the main page . There are 3 links or prompts . The one on the right says " Forum is locked " .
I looked in the search and couldn't find this .

New posts No new posts Forum is locked .

I can't seem to find where to change this in the AP . What does it mean ? And should I unlock it ? And where do I do it ?

Thank you

skouliki wrote:Hello

Forum locked is just an icon similar to thread locked
If a category or a forum is locked only the admin can write
If you have set a category or a forum as locked you can edit it as unlocked
by going to admin panel ... general...Category modify the category you want
Status: unlocked
If you want to hide that option go admin panel... display.... pictures... icons for the forum ...
check the hide option

So you are saying that when I see that " Forum is locked at the bottom of the main page . That it only means that 1 forum ( or more ) is locked . Not that the website or page is locked .

Forum is locked  Websit18

Last edited by azwiz on 1/11/2020, 18:33; edited 2 times in total

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Solved Re: Forum is locked

Post by skouliki 30/10/2020, 07:40


Forum locked is just an icon similar to thread locked
If a category or a forum is locked only the admin can write
If you have set a category or a forum as locked you can edit it as unlocked
by going to admin panel ... general...Category modify the category you want
Status: unlocked
If you want to hide that option go admin panel... display.... pictures... icons for the forum ...
check the hide option

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Solved Re: Forum is locked

Post by skouliki 1/11/2020, 09:04

When your request is complete, please mark it as Solved.

Female Posts : 15360
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Solved Re: Forum is locked

Post by SLGray 1/11/2020, 19:44

Problem solved & topic archived.
Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

Forum is locked  Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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