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Template and Variables

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Template and Variables Empty Template and Variables

Post by StyLe® July 16th 2021, 7:05 pm

Hello everyone! Very Happy

In this pandemic I went back to using the Forumotion Forums platform, and I'm studying a little more about it. I could see that since the release of 2010 until today there have been major changes in the forum platform. And here I am, lost and in the dark. I'm building a custom template to my liking but I don't know where I can find the variables or how to modify them, which is my case.

An example of a part I want to change and customize a little bit.
<!-- BEGIN switch_topic_title -->
<a href="{catrow.forumrow.U_LATEST_TOPIC}" title="{catrow.forumrow.LATEST_TOPIC_TITLE}">{catrow.forumrow.LATEST_TOPIC_NAME}</a><br />
<!-- END switch_topic_title -->

This little code brings me the following result, but it is not this result that I want to obtain.
Instead of showing the last post/topic I want to show a list of the last 10 threads/messages, did you understand?

Please, I don't like being dependent on people. So, if you have a guide/tutorial or even an article that shows you how to modify these variables, drop me a line!

If it is not possible, tell me a possible solution.

Thank you all. Wink
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Template and Variables Empty Re: Template and Variables

Post by SLGray July 16th 2021, 7:19 pm

So you want a list in the recent topic column?

Template and Variables Slgray10

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Template and Variables Empty Re: Template and Variables

Post by skouliki July 16th 2021, 8:17 pm


you are not allowed to open similar threads to multiple support forums
so since your forum is in Portuguese and you have already opened the same thread on the Portuguese support
this topic will be closed

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