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Does Google Translate correct grammar?

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Does Google Translate correct grammar? Empty Does Google Translate correct grammar?

Post by J-Master1 June 23rd 2022, 3:48 pm

Because I said, "I hadn't started finished yet" and now idiots are arguing over another sentence, "Jag är lugn." What does calm have to do with anything?

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Does Google Translate correct grammar? Empty Re: Does Google Translate correct grammar?

Post by SLGray June 23rd 2022, 8:34 pm

Is this just a discussion about Google Translate?  Google Translate is not the best tool for translating.  Each language has its own grammar which causes issues with translators.

Does Google Translate correct grammar? Slgray10

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Does Google Translate correct grammar? Empty Re: Does Google Translate correct grammar?

Post by J-Master1 June 23rd 2022, 10:31 pm

SLGray wrote:Is this just a discussion about Google Translate?  Google Translate is not the best tool for translating.  Each language has its own grammar which causes issues with translators.

Yeah, that's what I thought!

Posts : 180
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Language : English

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Does Google Translate correct grammar? Empty Re: Does Google Translate correct grammar?

Post by Mihai June 28th 2022, 1:27 am

This topic can be moved to garbage, since the author of it is banned Razz

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