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how to change the color of the Site description text?

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how to change the color of the Site description text? Empty how to change the color of the Site description text?

Post by Fabricator August 26th 2014, 6:37 am

Hello Forumotion Team!
I am a new user and happy to find this great forum for support!

Please help me:
how can I change the color of the Site description text?
Currently in my forum ( the color of the text and the background is almost the same so its un noticed :-(

Thank you!
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how to change the color of the Site description text? Empty Re: how to change the color of the Site description text?

Post by SLGray August 26th 2014, 6:40 am

Add this to the site description box in the administration panel
<font-color=YOUR COLOR>Forum Description</font>

how to change the color of the Site description text? Slgray10

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