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How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

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Solved How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Post by CalvinNHobbs2 Wed 28 Dec 2016 - 4:55

Technical Details

Forum version : #PunBB
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox
Who the problem concerns : Yourself
When the problem appeared : December 23, 2016
Forum link : ( link is hidden, you must reply to see )

Description of problem


I'm not sure if I posted my question in the correct category.

I was wondering if someone can tell me how frequently is a back up being done? On December 23, I accidentally deleted all the posts in one of the Topics/threads in my forum. I went to Founders' Tools to back up the forum. The latest back up was December 15. I backed up my forum as of December 15 and that went well.

I am hoping I can back up the forum again for the next back up date. I checked Founders Tools again today, and the latest back up is still December 15, twelve days ago? I was confused because I thought the forums were backed up once/week?

When I looked at the dates of back ups, I didn't see a pattern because there was not necessarily a back up every 7 days. Sometimes a back up occurred 3 weeks after the last back up, sometimes 2 weeks, sometimes 1 week. The month of July went with no backup. Back up occurred only once in the months of June, August, and September 2016. I'm wondering if something is wrong? Can something be done so that back ups regularly occur once/week?

I don't know if this works, please bear with me, I'm trying to post a screen shot:How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled? Backup10

Can someone tell me when the next back up is scheduled?

Thank you for your help.

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays!

Posts : 57
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Post by Ape Wed 28 Dec 2016 - 11:27

Hello and happy holidays to you to.

Yes i can help here.
we have 3 lots of backups
1, every day our end (office use only)
2, every 7 days for (server cleaning)
3 14 days (Admin tools)

how this works:
if our system went down then #1 comes in to play this is so we can make sure all your data is not lost when the sites come back online.

Now and then we need to do work on some servers so we make a backup of your forum to the date of every 7 days this is then used if we do a update to our system or any other part of the sites tools and layout.
so if say we have a new update and it comes live it will show on your tools that's when #2 comes in to play

Now #3 well this is the dates that our system will make a backup for you to fix problems on your site.
some times if there is a problem and the date you want to backdate it to is not showing you can ask a staff member to ask the head office to do a backup for you but this can only be done Monday to Fridays 8am to 5pm French time as the office is closed after 5pm

But note not all the time can we do a full tools backup on the 14th day so it may show at a later date or just before.

I hope that helps a little on how our system works.


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How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled? Ape_b110
How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled? Ape1010

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Solved Re: How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Post by CalvinNHobbs2 Thu 29 Dec 2016 - 10:41

Thanks for your detailed answer, Ape. I appreciate your taking the time to reply.

So I think today will be 14 days from December 15, the date of the last back up. Later today, I'll check Founders Tools to see if there is another back up. I will report back.

Thanks again for your help.

Posts : 57
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Post by CalvinNHobbs2 Fri 30 Dec 2016 - 4:47

Hi Ape,

So I checked Founders' Tools today and I was able to back up my forum as of today! Thanks so much for your help again, and for taking the time to explain in detail the issue of back ups. You guys spend so much time making sure things are in order, and I really appreciate that (and appreciate your help as well)!

Happy Holidays!

This is SOLVED.

Posts : 57
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Post by SLGray Fri 30 Dec 2016 - 21:20

Problem solved & topic archived.
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How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled? Slgray10

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