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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by Andou Oeiji December 7th 2017, 11:32 pm

3. I also want to add a another navigation tab regarding my coding and features to it I want to set up my website like this is a way
I would like to make my website more as a blog than it is as a forum I wish I could have chosen a better platform but I like my features I have here Probably change the url when the time comes
Andou Oeiji
Andou Oeiji
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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by SLGray December 7th 2017, 11:43 pm

If you want, you exactly can create a blog: .

my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Slgray10

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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by Andou Oeiji December 7th 2017, 11:49 pm

I'll probably study more about this website stuff and try to come across specialist who know about it and see if they can help me regarding my platform website thing if its a forum maybe there can be something more to it because i'm emotionally attach to all me designs and features from my website
Andou Oeiji
Andou Oeiji
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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by Andou Oeiji December 10th 2017, 9:37 pm

is there a way my website I can get another navigation tab because I don't see a option I'm talking about another portal so I can add my coding and features to it!
Andou Oeiji
Andou Oeiji
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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by skouliki December 10th 2017, 10:36 pm


you can add a customized menu to your nav bar from admin panel..display..homepage ...headers and navigation
As a redirection url put your html create a html page go to modules ...html pages

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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by Andou Oeiji December 10th 2017, 11:22 pm

can you explain what you mean I don't understand

my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features NXIU8J0

Andou Oeiji
Andou Oeiji
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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by skouliki December 11th 2017, 7:39 am

this new menu has to direct somewhere right?

so you have two options 

1) create an html page from modules -html pages
insert all you want, codes, features .. then save the changes take the url and put in on the redirection menu you create 
my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Scree137

2) create a new portal from modules..portal management by duplicating your original portal then rename it ..
insert all you want, codes, features .. add or remove widgets and save
when you are done hit portal preview to see the url and put in on the redirection menu you create 
my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Scree138

this way your new customized menu will redirect to a new page or a new portal

example visit my test forum click
my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Scree139


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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by Andou Oeiji December 12th 2017, 12:20 am

ok thank you I manage to do it
Andou Oeiji
Andou Oeiji
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Posts : 21
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my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features Empty Re: my 3rd problem I want make another navigation tab regarding my coding and features

Post by skouliki December 12th 2017, 7:38 am

you welcome this is solved?

Female Posts : 15412
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Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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