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Doamin name no longer working

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In progress My domain name no longer works

Post by bhowe January 29th 2019, 11:42 pm

Can someone help?? Suddenly this morning forumotion is no longer directing my forum to my domain name which is When a user goes there it says it no longer exists and is directing them to a bigforumpro address. I have the advanced package. HELP!!!

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In progress Doamin name no longer working

Post by bhowe January 29th 2019, 11:50 pm

This is the message I get:

Doamin name no longer working Untitl11

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by Ape January 30th 2019, 12:13 am

Hello @bhowe Thank you for your post today.

You posted in the Wrong thread so i have made a Split of the topic and you now have your own Thread.

Please make sure you read our rules before making any more topic's or posting in others threads.

Please send me a PM with your Email address you made your forum with and i will give you the link to your forum.

Also did you buy the domain off of us or was it hosted outside of Forumotion  as you my not have seen we now have a package system and for a domain name to work you must atleast have a Doamin name no longer working 857436672 package.

To find out more about this please read my helpful topic's

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Doamin name no longer working Ape1010

Male Posts : 19468
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Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by bhowe January 30th 2019, 12:25 am

Hello, it wouldn't let me start a new topic. I sent you a PM with the email address. I have the advanced package and everything has been working for 7 years then suddenly this morning it is giving all my members the message I poste above. My domain name was purchased through

Posts : 55
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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by Ape January 30th 2019, 12:31 am

Thank you for your PM i have found this forum linked to your Email address

It looks like you forum package may have ran out or your domain has ran out.
please try to log in with that address and tell me what your ACP tells you

ACP >> Misc >> Credits management >> Summary & Management 
Take a screen shot of that page, also take a screen shot of your domain page

ACP >> General tab >> Forum >> Forum address >>

Please take a screen shot of both tabs in the center of the screen

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Doamin name no longer working Ape1010

Male Posts : 19468
Reputation : 2013
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by bhowe January 30th 2019, 12:40 am

OK, I seemed to have fixed it by retyping in my domain name under the personalized domain name tab. I am curious as to how this could have gotten changed or deleted though.

Here is my advanced package screen:

Doamin name no longer working 110

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by Ape January 30th 2019, 12:44 am

oh okay I now know why your domain name was stopped. Your package runs out in 9 days this is why our system turned your address off.

You need to update your package again for us to keep letting you use your external domain name.

EDIT: I have just seen you are paying monthly so the last info gave is not right.

I am not sure why your domain name was no longer working
you will also need to turn on your HTTPS address for your domain name to make your forum safe

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Male Posts : 19468
Reputation : 2013
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by bhowe January 31st 2019, 1:44 am

Ok, there is no risk or loss of data converting to HTTPS?

Posts : 55
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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by brandon_g January 31st 2019, 1:48 am

No there is no risk of data loss.

Doamin name no longer working Brando10
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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by Ape January 31st 2019, 12:46 pm

No none at all it is just a small change to your address and some address files that is it really 100% safe

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Doamin name no longer working Ape_b110
Doamin name no longer working Ape1010

Male Posts : 19468
Reputation : 2013
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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In progress Re: Doamin name no longer working

Post by skouliki February 5th 2019, 11:40 am

@bhowe is this solved?
if yes please mark it as Solved

thank you


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