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Forumotion Milking my Dead forum?

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Forumotion Milking my Dead forum? Empty Forumotion Milking my Dead forum?

Post by MarcoNecroX 11/4/2020, 21:03

I get it. Forumotion is dead.

So now you decided to use my forums without consent to essentially email thousands of people with topics that are over 5 years old, just to desperately sneak 2 ads in?

This is as desperate as it is sad.

I need to disable these "newsletters" now. And I don't mean to unsubscribe. You need to stop sending them.

What you are doing here is illegal.

(also, why do you *allow* users to use bold in messages when its ReSeRvEd FoR aDmInS? actual cringe)

Posts : 95
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Language : English

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Forumotion Milking my Dead forum? Empty Re: Forumotion Milking my Dead forum?

Post by skouliki 11/4/2020, 21:07

please read the section rules

Topic locked and moved to the garbage.
Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

Female Posts : 15303
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Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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